Thursday, August 24, 2006

Valley Springs Fil-Am Church Kickoff

Pastor Dave Mortiz sends this report:

On August 11, 2006 Valley Springs Fil-Am Community Church celebrated their move from Friday Home Bible Studies to Woodward Park Baptist Church. Approximately 125 people attended & the evening was celebrated through music, message & testimony, worship, prayer, dinner & fellowship. The occasion was graced by the presence of Pastor Hernie Valino, Pastor Dave Mortiz’ friend from Southern California who gave a moving message & vocal renditions with his testimony while Pastor Rich Johnstone, Director of Missions of Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association, and part of WPBC challenged the budding church with his brief speech & gave the closing prayer. He was instrumental in connecting Valley Springs with WPBC.

Valley Springs’ purpose is to bring people to Jesus Christ and membership in his family, build them to Christlike maturity, equip them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world, in order to magnify God’s name. Their target is to reach the growing Filipino-American Community living in Fresno & other neighboring communities who need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Valley Springs extends their appreciation for WPBC’s generosity in allowing them to use their Children’s Facility. Since April 2005, they have been gathering in homes to hold Bible studies but on August 2006, in God’s time they started gathering at WPBC.

Valley Springs Mission Pastor, Dave Mortiz adds,” We would like to be known in the Filipino community as a place where relationship (to God and to men) matters.

Rita's Weekly Update 8/24/06

Good afternoon,

Prayer Requests
Dan Hull - former pastor at Firebuagh. Dan suffered a heart attack on Aug 17th. He is having problems with equilibrium and vision. Pray for his recovery.

Pastors Breakfast
Each Tuesday morning at Country Waffle, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 - 9:30 am. Ron Climer will be speaking on 8/29.

Ministry Opportunity
Woodward Park Baptist Church Fresno has a paid position open for a Sound Technician for Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening rehearsals. Experience is required. For more information or to apply, contact Teresa Watts at 298-7087.
First Baptist Church of Oakhurst is seeking a contemporary music worship leader for Sunday morning services (9:30 and 10:30 am). Salary is negotiable. Please contact Associate Pastor Scott Mohr at 665-8011 (daytime #) or 868-8608 (evening #).
Sierra Heights Baptist Church Fresno is seeking an Administrative Assistant to assist Pastor Bonine. For complete details of the job position of to refer someone who would be qualified please contact Pastor Jeb Bonine at 435-2333.

Home furnishings needed.....Steve Brannon (a missionary with IMB working in Central Asia) and his family are living in Merced for the year. They have found a home but need basic home furnishings. If you have furniture you are not using and would like to help please call me at the MV office 297-5550. Thanks.

Praise Night
El Encino Baptist Church is putting together a praise night for Friday, August 25, 6:30 pm. It is going to be an exciting time of worship and fellowship with other MV churches. We hope all will come and participate by praising the Lord. We are looking for a Spanish praise team to lead a few Spanish praise songs. We welcome all praise and worship pastors/leaders to call if you would like to participate. Contact Julie Salcedo at 253-0897 or

Christian Women's Job Corp
Upcoming fundraisers:
(1) Sept 30th: Salad luncheon and Silent Auction. 11am-1pm, at The Bridge Community Church, 3438 E. Ashlan. Cost: $10 for lunch and whatever you want to spend on the silent auction. Contact Donna Cooper at 287-8763 for more information.
(2) October 26: Macy's Community Shopping Day. CWJC is selling $10 coupons for use at Macy's on Oct. 26th. The coupon gives the shopper 10%-20& off of nearly everything in the store. You can purchase your coupons by contacting Donna at 287-8763 or by email at CWJC keeps 100% of the proceeds from selling coupons.

Baptist Association Briefing
What is a Baptist Association? What is its purpose? What is the value of an association to local missionnal pastors and church leaders? How does the association help churches accomplish Great Commission efforts? What is the strategy to help churches stay on missions? What does the future look like for Mid-Valley Association? Rich Johnston, Director of Missions, and Ron Climer, Director of Ministries, would be pleased to connect with your congregation, church group, or church staff to talk about these things. They will gladly come at the invitation of pastors and church leaders. Call Rita at the Mid-Valley office to arrange a time. Phone: 297-5550.

Seminary Extension Classes for 2006-2007
Dynamics of Teaching: Sept. 12-Nov. 7, 2006. Teacher: Jeffrey Curtis, CSBC African American Church Starting Director
Survey of Missions: Nov. 14, 2006 - Jan 16, 2007. Teacher: Pastor Ted Cole
Baptist History: Jan. 23 - March 20, 2007. Teacher: Wendell Foss
Book of Acts: March 27 - May 22, 2007. Teacher: Pastor Jeb Bonine
Please call Rita at the MV office 297-5550 to register. Class fees are due on the first day of class.

Equip Bible Institute Classes for Fall 2006
Theology 106: begins September 11, 6:30-9:15 pm (10 sessions) with instructor, Tom Sims. Location: Baptist Temple, 4141 Fresno St, Fresno, 229-9379 or
Correction Biblical Interpretation 105: begins September 9, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm (10 sessions) with instructor, Philip Aaron. Location: FSBC Sanger, 1116 "O" St, Sanger, 646-0228.
Biblical Interpretation 105: begins September 11, 6:30 - 9:15 pm (10 sessions) with instructor, Pastor David Barr. Location: The Evangelical Free Church of Madera, 16760 N. Lake St, Madera, 673-1142 or 936-3558.
Contact Pastor Randy Brannon, EBI Director, at 674-1172 or Pastor Tom Sims at 229-9379 if you have any questions.

Mid-Valley Meetings
Executive Board Meeting - Thursday, September 14, 7:00 pm at Copper Springs Church, Clovis.
Annual Meeting - Saturday October 21, Crosspoint Church, Fresno. Time TBA.

Training /Leadership Events
September 21-23, 2006 Disaster Relief Training at First So. Baptist Church, Coalinga. Certification classes in Mass Feeding, Clean-Up and Recovery, Chainsaw Training, Chaplaincy, Communication, and Temporary Emergency Child Care. Don Hargis of CSBC will lead this event. Cost: $50/person -- please register ASAP. Contact Pastor Terry Glover at 935-0504.

September 18-20, 2006 Intentional Interim Pastor Training. Contact Leslie Lee, Church & Pastoral Care Dept, CSBC 229-9533 ext. 212.

October 27-28, 2006 Conflict God's Way: Biblical Strategies for Prevention and Intervention. Hosted by MVSBA at Copper Springs Church, Clovis. Led by Peter Celum. Pastors and lay leaders will learn about developing a culture of peace within your church. They will be able to equip people to strengthen relationship and resolve conflicts through biblical principles. To register call Rita at the Mid-Valley office 297-5550. $10/person if you register by Oct 20 ($15/person after Oct 20). Friday evening, Oct 27, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm. Saturday, Oct 28, 9:00 - Noon.

Looking ahead.....
September 23 How To Lead a Great Small Group Meeting. Contact Wendi Mooney at Clovis Hills Community Church 297-2600 ext. 14.

September 23 Disability Ministry Workshop. 8:45 am - 1:00 pm, includes lunch. Northwest Church, 5415 N. West Ave, Fresno. Cost $25/person. Contact Joni and Friends at 227-5664 for more information and to register.

September 30 California Baptist Men's Softball Tournament in Tulare. Contact Cathy Glover at 229-9533 ext 255

October 6-8 Mother Daughter Retreat at Jenness Park. Contact Jenness Park at 1-800-258-7554.

December 28-20 Tsunami Student Conference, Long Beach. Contact Connie Thornton at 229-9533 ext. 245.

Have a good day,
Rita A. West
Ministry Assistant, MVSBA
1363 Fifth St., Clovis CA 93612
PH: 559-297-5550

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Read a book in 10 minutes?

Randy Alcorn's book entitled Heaven is very engaging . . . and it is very long. If you want to get the main thrust of the book along with the key points, you can read the book summary here. Christian Book Summaries generates a new book summary every month or so. Check out their past summaries on a variety of topics in Christian non-fiction.


Monday, August 21, 2006

Clovis World Changers Pics

Here's a wrapup of Clovis World Changers project in July 2006. Dave MacNeill and his leadership team did a fantastic job of putting this project together. Thanks to all the host churches who adopted work crews throughout the week. This was a great example of collaboration among student groups, local churches, North American Mission Board, Clovis Redevelopment, Clovis Police, and Fresno Pacific.

The Clovis Independent wrote up a great story here.

Find the pictures here.

Here's Clovis World Changers by the numbers:
274 - Total participants, including volunteers
14 - Work sites
36 - Presentations of the Gospel
13 - People accepted Christ

Interested in World Changers 2007?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Rita's Weekly Update 8/10/06

Good afternoon,

I realize this is a long email but please take a minute to read through it......we have lots of information and news to get out to everyone. I will be out of the office next week (Aug 14-18) so the next MV news and notes email will be on 8/24.

Prayer Requests
Alan Greaves
Alan McWhorter
Bill and Janet Tucker -- pray as they deal with the problem of an unauthorized person charging on their personal credit card. Pastor Greg Roper on his ten year anniversary with Trinity So. Baptist Church Fresno.

Pastors Breakfast
Each Tuesday morning at Country Waffle, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 - 9:30 am. Ron McLain of Marriage Mentoring Ministries will be the guest speaker on Tuesday, August 15.

Ministry Opportunity
First Baptist Church of Oakhurst is seeking a contemporary music worship leader for Sunday morning services (9:30 and 10:30 am). Salary is negotiable. Please contact Associate Pastor Scott Mohr at 665-8011 (daytime #) or 868-8608 (evening #).

Mission Report.....A trip to Kazakhstan.....Bonnie Sanders of Cornelia Avenue So. Baptist Church Fresno recently had the opportunity to travel to Kazakhstan. This is Muslim country but the president they have now is very tolerant of Christian churches. There will be an election this fall so pray the tolerance continues. Pray for the people Bonnie met, especially a young girl, Karina, and her family. Pray for a young soldier who came to church. 148 decisions were made, 12 homes were visited and presented God's love and plan through Jesus Christ.

Home furnishings needed.....Steve Brannon (a missionary with IMB working in Central Asia) and his family are living in Merced for the year. They have found a home but need basic home furnishings. If you have furniture you are not using and would like to help please call me at the MV office 297-5550. Thanks.

Revival "A Spiritual Renewal" this coming weekend...
August 11, 12, and 13th at First Southern Baptist Sanger. Evangelist Randy McWhorter, Director of Evangelism, CSBC with be speaking Friday and Saturday evening at 7:00 pm and Sunday morning at 10:45 am. FSB Sanger is located at 1116 "O" Street, Sanger. Call Pastor Chuck Antaramian if you have any questions or would like more details. Church Phone: 875-6551 or cell phone 978-2848.

Faith Night at the Ballpark
Wednesday, August 23 is Faith Night at Grizzlies Stadium. This is a fun way for church wide fellowship and outreach to people that don't have a church home. Concert with Audio Adrenaline at 5:30, game at 7:05 pm. Ticket prices $15/$17. To purchase tickets call Grizzlies stadium at 320-8497

Praise Night
El Encino Baptist Church is putting together a praise night for Friday, August 25, 6:30 pm. It is going to be an exciting time of worship and fellowship with other MV churches. We hope all will come and participate by praising the Lord. We are looking for a Spanish praise team to lead a few Spanish praise songs. We welcome all praise and worship pastors/leaders to call if you would like to participate. Contact Julie Salcedo at 253-0897 or

Heritage Hymnals
The Hacienda Worship Team of FSB Hanford has a ministry that goes to a local convalescent hospital to sing, read and just spend time with the residents. They are looking for old Heritage Hymnals to use -- if you have any of these hymnals and are willing to part with them please contact Tonja at 584-7255.

Up Coming Service Opportunity
Exeter Baptist Church is moving into a different facility and they need help to remodel. Contact Bob Lloyd of Baptist Builders at 209-295-3667 for details.

Baptist Association Briefing
What is a Baptist Association? What is its purpose? What is the value of an association to local missionnal pastors and church leaders? How does the association help churches accomplish Great Commission efforts? What is the strategy to help churches stay on missions? What does the future look like for Mid-Valley Association? Rich Johnston, Director of Missions, and Ron Climer, Director of Ministries, would be pleased to connect with your congregation, church group, or church staff to talk about these things. They will gladly come at the invitation of pastors and church leaders. Call Rita at the Mid-Valley office to arrange a time. Phone: 297-5550.

Seminary Extension Classes for 2006-2007
Dynamics of Teaching: Sept. 12-Nov. 7, 2006. Teacher: Jeffrey Curtis, CSBC African American Church Starting Director
Survey of Missions: Nov. 14, 2006 - Jan 16, 2007. Teacher: Pastor Ted Cole
Baptist History: Jan. 23 - March 20, 2007. Teacher: Wendell Foss
Book of Acts: March 27 - May 22, 2007. Teacher: Pastor Jeb Bonine
Please call Rita at the MV office 297-5550 to register. Class fees are due on the first day of class.

Equip Bible Institute Classes for Fall 2006
Theology 106: begins September 11, 6:30-9:15 pm (10 sessions) with instructor, Tom Sims. Location: Baptist Temple, 4141 Fresno St, Fresno, 229-9379 or
Correction Biblical Interpretation 105: begins September 9, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm (10 sessions) with instructor, Philip Aaron. Location: FSBC Sanger, 1116 "O" St, Sanger, 646-0228.
Biblical Interpretation 105: begins September 11, 6:30 - 9:15 pm (10 sessions) with instructor, Pastor David Barr. Location: The Evangelical Free Church of Madera, 16760 N. Lake St, Madera, 673-1142 or 936-3558.
Contact Pastor Randy Brannon, EBI Director, at 674-1172 or Pastor Tom Sims at 229-9379 if you have any questions.

Mid-Valley Meetings
Executive Board Meeting - Thursday, September 14, 7:00 pm at Copper Springs Church, Clovis.
Annual Meeting - Saturday October 21, Crosspoint Church, Fresno. Time TBA.

Training /Leadership Events
September 21-23, 2006 Disaster Relief Training at First So. Baptist Church, Coalinga. Certification classes in Mass Feeding, Clean-Up and Recovery, Chainsaw Training, Chaplaincy, Communication, and Temporary Emergency Child Care. Don Hargis of CSBC will lead this event. Cost: $50/person -- please register ASAP. Contact Pastor Terry Glover at 935-5675.

September 18-20, 2006 Intentional Interim Pastor Training. Contact Leslie Lee, Church & Pastoral Care Dept, CSBC 229-9533 ext. 212.

October 27-28, 2006 Conflict God's Way: Biblical Strategies for Prevention and Intervention. Hosted by MVSBA at Copper Springs Church, Clovis. Led by Peter Celum. Pastors and lay leaders will learn about developing a culture of peace within your church. They will be able to equip people to strengthen relationship and resolve conflicts through biblical principles. To register call Rita at the Mid-Valley office 297-5550. $10/person if you register by Oct 20 ($15/person after Oct 20). Friday evening, Oct 27, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm. Saturday, Oct 28, 9:00 - Noon.

November 3-4 and 10-11, 2006 Basic Training for Church Planters. Sponsored in partnership by CSBC and Mid-Valley Association. Basic Training for Church Planters equips church planting teams with the necessary tools for effectively starting new churches. For more information please contact Jeffrey Curtis, Church Starting Group, CSBC at 229-9533 ext. 248 or call MV office 297-5550.

Looking ahead.....
September 23 How To Lead a Great Small Group Meeting. Contact Wendi Mooney at Clovis Hills Community Church 297-2600 ext. 14.

September 30 California Baptist Men's Softball Tournament in Tulare. Contact Cathy Glover at 229-9533 ext 255

October 6-8 Mother Daughter Retreat at Jenness Park. Contact Jenness Park at 1-800-258-7554.

December 28-20 Tsunami Student Conference, Long Beach. Contact Connie Thornton at 229-9533 ext. 245.

Church bulletins
Lifeway Baptist Church Fresno has bulletins to give away!!!!These are new, 3 fold perforated with picture front and blank inside. For months of July, Aug, Sept. Free to anyone who wants them. Call Rita at the MV office if you can use these bulletin covers.

Have a good day,
Rita A. West
Ministry Assistant, MVSBA
1363 Fifth St., Clovis CA 93612
PH: 559-297-5550

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

India Children's Choir at Baptist Temple

We cordially invite you to attend. We also need to provide good guest housing and meals for 22 children and 8 adults for two nights. Your help would be appreciated. Contact Pastor Tom Sims at 559-647-2203 or

Second Picture

The India Children's Choir
Wednesday, August 9
7:00 P.M.
Baptist Temple - The Fellowship of Joy
4141 N. Fresno Street between Ashlan and Dakota
Sponsored by Bibles for the World



The people of the Hmar tribe of Northeast India were fierce headhunters. In 1910, a missionary named Watkin Roberts sent a copy of the Gospel of John to a Hmar chief. The chief invited Roberts to come and explain the Scriptures. He went despite a ban by the British Colonial government to keep him out of the area, and five young tribesmen chose to follow the Lord Jesus. These converts grew in faith and became leaders of a new and growing church. Within two generations, the entire tribe was evangelized. Headhunting stopped and hearthunting became the fervent pursuit of the people. The children of the India Children's Choir are direct descendents of those who first believed.

Background of the Musical

The heritage of Northeast India tribal peoples is rich in artistry and meaning. Their music and dance have served over the centuries as the means of communicating this heritage, since the people had no written language to preserve their history. Their music is characterized by beautiful harmony, poetic word pictures and strong visual impact.

In the musical, Headhunters to Hearthunters, the children perform the ancient Lamlam (walking dance). Formerly, the words, rhythms and gestures marked headhunting victories. But now, the children perform the Lamlam as a transition from the ancient days of darkness to the glorious light of the Gospel; the words are not of headhunting but of the victory found in Christ for all who believe:

We are marching to our eternal destiny, And the breezes of Zion refresh us. We are the children of the king, and not afraid, We will walk together joyously!

Ronald K. Wells, composer and choral clinician, and his wife Mary Jane, traveled to Northeast India with Dr. Rochunga Pudaite and ministered to the Hmar Christians. While there, God impressed him with a desire to write a children’s musical drama to tell the amazing story of how God used a single copy of the Gospel of John to change the eternal destiny of a whole tribe.

The 2006 tour of the India Children’s Choir will mark the 12th year of Mr. Well’s musical, and will also debut several songs from the choir’s upcoming new musical. Bibles For The World is honored to introduce musical composer and performer, Marc Profant. Through his artistry and talent, Marc breathes new life into the familiar but remarkable story of God’s transforming power.