Thursday, November 30, 2006

Weekly Update - 11/30/06

News and Notes
Good afternoon

Prayer Requests

Ron Climer - will have surgery Mon., Dec. 11
Alan Greaves
Alan McWhorter
MV pastors and congregations

Mission Mobilization

Christmas Parties at JH and BC -- December 2006 -- goal is $7,000December 4th & 5th, 2006 Juvenile Hall Christmas Parties. December 6, 2006 Boot Camp Christmas Party.Mid-Valley Churches communicating love and the true story of Jesus. In 2005, 243 Mid-Valley volunteers hosted parties for 539 youth and staff, resulting in 199 professions of faith in Jesus Christ. This year, the scope of this project if even bigger. This is the single most effective evangelistic event in the Mid-Valley Association. Project Goal for 2006: $7,000. To date $3,542.00 has been raised for this event. Hundreds of kids will clearly hear the story of Jesus, many for the first time. This evening, Nov. 30th, 5:30 pm, volunteers are welcome to come help "bag gifts". This will be happening at Trinity So. Baptist Church, 4890 E. Holland Ave, Fresno at 5:30 pm. Pizza dinner will be provided for the volunteers.

Priority Action Team Members: The purpose of the Mid-Valley Priority Action Team is to assist churches in empowering, equipping, and mobilizing Christians to start new work and to participate in mission efforts. Terry Maldonado is leading the team. We need four more team leaders in our MVSBA Mission Mobilization Team in the following ways: Church Network - to connect churches that want to send people on mission projects with churches that are sending people on projects. Mission Awareness - To implement a communication strategy so that all MV church leaders are aware of both needs and opportunities. Prayer Connection - to enlist prayer teams to adopt specific mission projects and church plants. Team Trainer - to assist Mission Leaders in building an effective, ongoing mission plan in their church. Meeting Logistics - to establish and maintain regular gatherings of Mission Leaders of the MVSBA (Teresa French, Stoney Creek Baptist Church, Coarsegold). Are you SHAPEd to help churches mobilize believers in Great Commission work? If you think you may be, please contact Terry Maldonado, Clovis Hills Community Church, 297-2600.

Mid-Valley Missions Team Meeting
January 11, 2007, 6-8pm at Copper Springs Church, Clovis. This is open to all church mission leaders who want to connect with other church mission leaders to do mission more effectively together. Please bring a dish to share for dinner.

Leadership Development

Lunchtime Leadership Series 2007
What: Willow creek Leadership Summit - DVD followed by group discussion.
Time: Thursday from 11:30 am - 1:15 pm
Place: Crosspoint Church, 2518 N. Cedar, Fresno (in the Green Room)
Registration: None required, bring own lunch
Who: Pastors, staff, lay leaders will benefit Dates:
  • January 25, 2007: The Life Cycle of a Leader, by Bill Hybels
  • February 8: Silos, Politics, and Turf Wars, by Patrick Lencioni
  • February 22: Dead Leader Running, by Wayne Cordiero
  • March 8: Focused Leadership - My Best Leadership Decision, by Andy Stanley
  • March 22: Tribal Warfare, by Peg Neuhauser
  • April 12: When Business Thinking Fails the Church, by Jim Collins
Leadership Series

Seminary Extension Classes for 2006-2007 -- Please call Rita at the MV office 297-5550 to register. Class fees are due on the first day of class.Baptist History: Jan. 23 - March 20, 2007. Teacher: Wendell FossBook of Acts: March 27 - May 22, 2007. Teacher: Pastor Jeb Bonine

Equip Bible Institute Classes
New Testament Survey 104 Mondays: 6:30 pm, begins Jan 8, 2007. 10 sessions. Instructor: Sean PeiferLocation Grace Community Church, Madera.
Theology and Life 107 Mondays, 6:30 pm, begins Jan. 8, 2007. 10 sessions. Instructor: Tom SimsLocation: Baptist Temple, Fresno.
Tentative Course, Spanish Speaking, Old or New Testament Survey - call Philip Aaron at 646-0228 for more information.


Minister's Breakfast Next Week.... Each Tuesday morning at Country Waffle, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 - 9:30 am. Tuesday, Dec 5th will be Rich Johnstone.

Pastors Prayer Cluster - All Mid-Valley pastors are invited to a weekly Pastors Prayer Cluster. We meet every Thursday at 10:00 am, Crosspoint Church. Join us as we pray for our churches and community. For further information, please contact Pastor Johnny Mendez at 227-5366 or 824-4821.

Tsunami Student Conference, Long Beach, December 28-30, 2006. Tsunami is a statewide 3-day student event that focuses on growing as Christians and learning how to tell others about Jesus. This is a high energy, high impact event that challenges every student to make life-changing commitments. As of this week over 2,500 are registered. Hotel rooms are still available. Reserve your room here.

Childrens Camp 2007
New format, new activities, exciting music, challenging recreation, mission project, reduced price!!! Two great camping opportunities for 2007:
  1. 6th through 8th Grade Camp - June 17-20, 2007 - God's Purpose, Plan, and People
  2. 3rd through 5th Grade Camp - June 20-23, 2007 - Bible Bee: Discovering God's Word in God's Creation
Location: Camp Sierra.Lee Yarbrough, Camp Director. Check here for updates, program collaboration, and fund-raising ideas to send kids to camp.

Church News

Services for Alfred Smoake of Memorial Baptist Church, Willits, will be Saturday, Dec. 2, 11 am at Memorial Baptist Church, Willits. Alfred passed away last Friday.

Carlos Ortiz and his wife, Elena, welcomed Keeley Rose into their family on Nov. 28th. Irma and Hanna are proud big sisters. Carlos serves in FSBC Kerman alongside pastor John Stafford.

Woodward Park Baptist Church publicly commissioned Amber Tidwell as their Children's Minister.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Weekly Update 11/21/06

Prayer Requests

Alan McWhorter
Alan Greaves
June Helm
Ron Climer
Colin Clark
Jason Mahill - moving into new duplex, possible job opportunity, ministry opportunities in Orange Cove area
MV pastors and congregations

Mission Mobilization

Christmas Parties at JH and BC -- December 2006 -- goal is $7,000December 4th & 5th, 2006 Juvenile Hall Christmas Parties. December 6, 2006 Boot Camp Christmas Party. Due to the new Juvenile Hall facility, there will be two JH parties. Our goal is $7,000.00 for 2006! If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please call Carol Climer at the Counseling Resource Center, 439-7499.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: What is it? Southern Baptist churches collect the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for the sole purpose of supporting international missions. Every penny of the offering goes to the International Mission Board's oversees budget, thus supporting our 5,072 missionaries. The national goal for 2006 if $150 million. In 2005 Southern Baptist churches gave $137.9 million. Because of the Lottie Moon Offering 459,725 people were baptized oversees by missionaries. The Lottie Moon Offering was started in 1888 by The Woman's Missionary Union.

Priority Action Team Members: The purpose of the Mid-Valley Priority Action Team is to assist churches in empowering, equipping, and mobilizing Christians to start new work and to participate in mission efforts. Terry Maldonado is leading the team. We need four more team leaders in our MVSBA Mission Mobilization Team in the following ways:Church Network - to connect churches that want to send people on mission projects with churches that are sending people on projects. Mission Awareness - To implement a communication strategy so that all MV church leaders are aware of both needs and opportunities.Prayer Connection - to enlist prayer teams to adopt specific mission projects and church plants. Team Trainer - to assist Mission Leaders in building an effective, ongoing mission plan in their church. Meeting Logistics - to establish and maintain regular gatherings of Mission Leaders of the MVSBA (Teresa French, Stoney Creek Baptist Church, Coarsegold).Are you SHAPEd to help churches mobilize believers in Great Commission work? If you think you may be, please contact Terry Maldonado, Clovis Hills Community Church, 297-2600.

Leadership Development

Seminary Extension Classes for 2006-2007 -- Please call Rita at the MV office 297-5550 to register. Class fees are due on the first day of class.Baptist History: Jan. 23 - March 20, 2007. Teacher: Wendell FossBook of Acts: March 27 - May 22, 2007. Teacher: Pastor Jeb Bonine

Minister's Breakfast Next Week.... Each Tuesday morning at Country Waffle, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 - 9:30 am. Tuesday, Nov. 28 will be prayer in Small Groups.

Pastors Prayer Cluster All Mid-Valley pastors are invited to a weekly Pastors Prayer Cluster. We meet every Thursday at 10:00 am, Crosspoint Church. Join us as we pray for our churches and community. For further information, please contact Pastor Johnny Mendez at 227-5366 or 824-4821.

Tsunami Student Conference, Long Beach, December 28-30, 2006. Get your registration in NOW.......don't miss out on a great student conference! Contact Connie Thornton at 229-9533 ext. 245 or visit Tsunami website

Children's Camp 2007:Mid-Valley Association Children's Camp, June 17-23, 2007 at Camp Sierra. 2007 will bring two great camps: "Our" June 17-20 for 6th-8th graders, $130/camper; and "Bible Bee" June 20-23 for 3rd-5th graders, $100/camper. Contact Pastor Lee Yarbrough for more information 584-7255.

Other Camping Opportunities: Christian Wilderness Camp 2007: backpacking, a CSBC program, http://www.52 7adventure.comCentrifuge 2007: Jenness Park, six weeks to choose from,

Church News

Grace Community Church of Madera - has several ministry position open:1) Director of Children's Ministry -- oversee the development of a comprehensive program of childhood education, including planning, coordination, evaluation and education for children ages infant through sixth grade. 2) Pastor of Missions/Outreach -- oversee foreign and home missions ministry and local evangelism; the training and equipping of believers for evangelism and discipleship.If you are interested in either of these positions please contact Pastor Randy Brannon at 674-1172 or email

Trinity Southern Baptist Church hosted a "Salute to World War II Vets" on Sunday, Nov. 12. It was a great time of fellowship and fun complete with "Bob Hope", "The Andrew Sisters", "Kate Smith" and others.

Cornelia Avenue Baptist Church had an awesome Harvest Festival with approximately 450 in attendance.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Weekly Update 11/16/06

Mission Mobilization
Christmas Parties at JH and BC -- December 2006 -- goal is $7,000
December 4th & 5th, 2006 Juvenile Hall Christmas Parties.
December 6, 2006 Boot Camp Christmas Party. Due to the new Juvenile Hall facility, there will be two JH parties. Our goal is $7,000.00 for 2006! If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please call Carol Climer at the Counseling Resource Center, 439-7499.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: What is it?
Southern Baptist churches collect the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for the sole purpose of supporting international missions. Every penny of the offering goes to the International Mission Board's oversees budget, thus supporting our 5,072 missionaries. The national goal for 2006 if $150 million. In 2005 Southern Baptist churches gave $137.9 million. Because of the Lottie Moon Offering 459,725 people were baptized oversees by missionaries. The Lottie Moon Offering was started in 1888 by The Woman's Missionary Union.

Priority Action Team Members:
The purpose of the Mid-Valley Priority Action Team is to assist churches in empowering, equipping, and mobilizing Christians to start new work and to participate in mission efforts. Terry Maldonado is leading the team. We need four more team leaders in our MVSBA Mission Mobilization Team in the following ways:
  • Church Network - to connect churches that want to send people on mission projects with churches that are sending people on projects.
  • Mission Awareness - To implement a communication strategy so that all MV church leaders are aware of both needs and opportunities.
  • Prayer Connection - to enlist prayer teams to adopt specific mission projects and church plants.
  • Team Trainer - to assist Mission Leaders in building an effective, ongoing mission plan in their church.
  • Meeting Logistics - to establish and maintain regular gatherings of Mission Leaders of the MVSBA (Teresa French, Stoney Creek Baptist Church, Coarsegold).

Are you SHAPEd to help churches mobilize believers in Great Commission work? If you think you may be, please contact Terry Maldonado, Clovis Hills Community Church, 297-2600.

Minister's Breakfast Next Week....
Each Tuesday morning at Country Waffle, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 - 9:30 am. Speaker for Tues, Nov. 21 will be Aaron Kellar, Grantland Avenue Baptist Church. Topic: Child Evangelism Fellowship/Good News Clubs.

Pastors Prayer Cluster All Mid-Valley pastors are invited to a weekly Pastors Prayer Cluster. We meet every Thursday at 10:00 am, Crosspoint Church. Join us as we build a Koinonia of pastors to impact our churches and community. For further information, please contact Pastor Johnny Mendez at 227-5366 or 824-4821.

12th Annual Turkey Bowl -- November 18. Registration begins at 8:00 am. Hosted by Trinity Southern Baptist Church, 4890 E. Holland Avenue (Holland and Winery). Each church is asked to bring a frozen turkey (you can bring more than one!) and each student is asked to bring canned foods. These items will be given to families in need. For more information contact Mansel Trimble at 435-2333 or

Tsunami Student Conference, Long Beach, December 28-30, 2006. Get your registration in NOW.......don't miss out on a great student conference! Contact Connie Thornton at 229-9533 ext. 245 or visit

Children's Camp 2007:
Mid-Valley Association Children's Camp, June 17-23, 2007 at Camp Sierra. 2007 will bring two great camps: "Our" June 17-20 for 6th-8th graders, $130/camper; and "Bible Bee" June 20-23 for 3rd-5th graders, $100/camper. Contact Pastor Lee Yarbrough for more information 584-7255.

Other Camping Opportunities:
Christian Wilderness Camp 2007: backpacking, a CSBC program,
Centrifuge 2007: Jenness Park, six weeks to choose from,

Leadership Development
Seminary Extension Classes for 2006-2007 -- Please call Rita at the MV office 297-5550 to register. Class fees are due on the first day of class.
Survey of Missions: Nov. 14, 2006 - Jan 16, 2007. Teacher: Pastor Ted Cole
Baptist History: Jan. 23 - March 20, 2007. Teacher: Wendell Foss
Book of Acts: March 27 - May 22, 2007. Teacher: Pastor Jeb Bonine

Church News
Grace Community Church of Madera - has several ministry position open:
1) Director of Children's Ministry -- oversee the development of a comprehensive program of childhood education, including planning, coordination, evaluation and education for children ages infant through sixth grade.
2) Pastor of Missions/Outreach -- oversee foreign and home missions ministry and local evangelism; the training and equipping of believers for evangelism and discipleship.
If you are interested in either of these positions please contact Pastor Randy Brannon at

Have a good day,
Rita A. West