Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Disaster Relief Update

To: Mid-Valley Churches and Friends

From: Rich Johnstone, DOM

Southern Baptists have a Disaster Relief infrastructure that is in place and ready to mobilize. Don Hargis leads the effort on behalf of California Southern Baptists. See Don's initial report. Don is the point person in coordinating people and resources to respond to crises like the disastrous 7.0 quake in Haiti. International relief organizations welcome and respect Southern Baptists as significant partners in responding to crisis needs. Jesus Christ is honored by ministering in His name.

Florida Baptist Convention is taking the lead in this disaster relief effort. Jacksonville Baptist Association has had a close, ongoing relationship with believers in Haiti for the last 12 years. Their orphanage facility is being used as a staging area for relief efforts. Follow their blog for latest updates.


First, make people aware of the magnitude of the need.

Second, mobilize the church for a major prayer emphasis.

Third, make financial gifts. The 70 Mid-Valley churches can make a significant impact by receiving an initial offering this Sunday, Jan. 17. Assure your congregation that 100% given will go directly to CSBC Disaster Relief. Two options for giving:
  1. All Checks Sent to the Mid-Valley Association for "Haiti Earthquake" will be directed to CSBC Disaster Relief. (mail to: MVSBA, 825 W Ashlan Ave. #101, Clovis, 93612)
  2. Give online directly to CSBC Disaster Relief.
Fourth, GO. There will be a phase in the relief efforts when volunteer groups will be welcomed. Check back with Don Hargis to learn about these opportunities.