Thursday, February 01, 2007

Weekly Update from Mid-Valley So. Baptist Assoc.

February 1, 2007 Mid-Valley So. Baptist Assoc.
News and Notes
Good afternoon
Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests
  • Alan McWhorter
  • Alan Greaves
  • Rita West - my Mom as she recovers from hip surgery
Mission Mobilization
Madagascar Mission News Nidal Yacoub left on January 21st to travel to Madacasgar to minister with Taiser & Kristi Emeish. Please be in prayer for Nidal and Emish family as they share Christ with those in Madacasgar.

Pastor Randy Brannon, Grace Community Church, Madera, left for Delhi,India on January 23rd. Randy will be teaching Dr. Jim Cecy's Ambassadors of Purity material to 250 pastors at the local Baptist Conference Grounds and ministering in local churches.

Mark Hendrix of Woodward Park Baptist Church will be serving as a Summer Missionary in Jacksonville, FL. He will serve in Words 2 Works, using various outreach events to connect inner city residents with Christ.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering The purpose of this offering it to help our missionary force reach for Christ an estimated 248 million lost people in the United States and Canada. The national goal is $57 million. What do Annie Armstrong supported missionaries do?

  • Engage in student evangelism on college campuses
  • Serve the physical and spiritual needs of people through inner city Baptist centers
  • Serve in local Baptist associations as associational missionary or other mission staff
  • Provide training and ministry in apologetics (interfaith witness) evangelism
  • Minister in resort settings such as campgrounds and ski areas

Leadership Development
Lunchtime Leadership Series 2007
What: Willow creek Leadership Summit - DVD followed by group discussion.
Time: Thursday from 11:30 am - 1:15 pm
Place: Crosspoint Church, 2518 N. Cedar, Fresno (in the Green Room)
Registration: None required, bring own lunch
Who: Pastors, staff, lay leaders will benefit

January 25, 2007: The Life Cycle of a Leader, by Bill Hybels
February 8: Silos, Politics, and Turf Wars, by Patrick Lencioni
February 22: Dead Leader Running, by Wayne Cordiero
March 8: Focused Leadership - My Best Leadership Decision, by Andy Stanley
March 22: Tribal Warfare, by Peg Neuhauser
April 12: When Business Thinking Fails the Church, by Jim Collins

S eries

VBS Leader's UpdateMaterial: the Lifeway theme is "Game Day Central: Where Heros are Made" helping kids focus on God's plan for their lives. The Super Sampler kit is available at the MV office for review and loan to churches.

Organizational Meeting:

  • Who: Church VBS leaders
  • WHat: VBS leaders who attend this meeting will design and organize the Association VBS clinic
  • When: Saturday, February 17, 9:00 am
  • Where: MV Association office, 1363 Fifth St, Clovis
  • Contact Rita West by Thursday, Feb 15 to register. 297-5550 or

2007 Central Valley Ministry Forum with Reggie McNeal, director of Leadership Development for the South Carolina Baptist Convention.
Topics to be covered: practicing self-awareness, self- management and self-discipline, mission and decision making, belonging and aloneness.
Who should attend: pastors, ministry teams, youth directors, lay leaders, anyone interested in spiritual discipline and leadership.
Mid-Valley Association has two (2) tickets available on a first come first served basis at the reduced cost of $30/each. Please call Rita at 297-5550 if you would like to join Rich and other MV pastors at this Ministry Forum.
Ticket cost: $35/individual; $240/table of 8.
Date/time: Thursday, February 15, 2007, 8:00 am - 3:00pm
Location: Special Events Cneter, Fresno Pacific University

CSBC Leadership Events

  • On Target Evangelism Conference, Feb.26-27, Riverside CA. For more information go to www.ontar or email or phone 229-9533 ext. 245
  • Ministers' Leadership Cruise, April 23-27. Inspiration, education, restoration and recreation on this 4-day Carnival Cruise for ministers, spouses and their families. Visit
    • 2007 Church Music Workshop North, Sat. January 27, Trinity Baptist Church, Livermore. For more information contact Kathy Foxen at 299-9533 ext 259 or

Minister's Breakfast Next Week....
Each Tuesday morning at Country Waffle, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 - 9:30 am. Rich Johnstone will be the speaker on Tuesday, Feb. 6th and Pastor Johnny Mendez will speak on Feb. 13th.

Pastors Prayer Cluster
Mid-Valley pastors meet every Thursday at 10:00 am, Crosspoint Church. Join us as we pray for our churches and community. For further information, please contact Pastor Johnny Mendez at 227-5366 or 824-4821.

Baptist Family Day coming Saturday, February 17 at Six Flags Magic Mountain. For information call 229-9533 ext. 243.

Mid-Valley Children's Camps 2007
Teens June 17-20. Cost $135. -- God's Network. For teens who have completed 6th-8th grades.
Children June 20-23. Cost $100. Bible Bee -- The Challenge. For students who have completed 3rd-5th grades.
At camp in 2007 Larry Bubb, House Band, volleyball and basketball clinics, polar bear swimming challenge, mission projects, bible study, building networks of friends, great food, experiencing God in Creation, meeting Jesus face to face.
For more information contact MV office at 297-5550 or Pastor Lee Yarbrough, Camp Director at 584-7255 or check out

Church News
Copper Springs Church Clovis had 6 first time visitors as a result of door-to-door evangelism. Three people were baptized this past week.
Axis Community continues to grow with new visitors.
Trinity So. Baptist Church congratulations to Floyd and Martha Hixson on their 65th wedding anniversay in December.
NewLife Community Fresno is ready for Super Bowl Sunday....they will watch the game on a big screen tv but at halftime instead of watching commercials they will crank up the worship band and honor Jesus!

Heritage Award recipients for 2006 includes Emily & Wendell Foss. The award is given annually by the California Baptist Historical Society to recognize the outstanding contribution of individuals to the ministry and heritage of California Southern Baptists. Wendel currently leads the mission team at Woodward Park Baptist Church.

Skate Competition at The Temple Skate Church
Sunday, March 4, 5:00 pm. Prizes such as new decks, wheels, and skate board accessories will be given to the best out of 2 heats.
The Temple Skate Church meets every Sunday at 3:00 pm, at Baptist Temple Church, 4141 N. Fresno St. For more information contact Bill Tucker at 213-6079 or email at Click here for more information, pictures, videos cool links and more!

Cornelia Avenue Baptist Church Fresno is seeking a Church Secretary. The position is part-time (3 days per week, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm), salary is negotiable. If you are interested or know someone who might be interested and qualified please contact Pastor Randy Maynard at or call the church office at 277-1533

First Baptist Church, Oakhurst is seeking a Youth Leader/Minister. The position is part-time (about 40 hours per/month). The salary and transportation compensation are negotiable. They are looking for someonw who has a heart for youth, who will develop relationship both in and out of church, and will help the youth grow in knowledge and character. If you are interested please contact Pasor Richard Cavoretto at 683-6101.

Northwest Church of Fresno is seeking a qualified person to serve in the position of Accounting Assistant. The duties are mostly computer data entry in accounts receivable and generating reports. The position is part-time at 28 hours/week. If interested contact Greg Sumii at 435-2200 ext. 117.

Needed: Laptop computer needed for Frank Sanchez who helps coordinate Migrant Camp VBS. If you have a laptop to donate it would be greatly appreciated. Contact Frank at 233-3623.

Youth News
Youth Purity Weekend
We need to equip teenagers in their battle for purity. On the weekend of March 23-25, Woodward Park Baptist Church is hosting a purity weekend for youth. Will Snipes (2006 Centrifuge Camp Pastor at Jenness Park) will be the guest speaker for the weekend. This DiscipleNow weekend will include worship services, guys/girls only talk times, and small discussion groups. The weekend will also have a Saturday afternoon activity and a Saturday evening variety show. All churches are welcome to participate with their Jr High and High School students. Please contact Mike Lacaze, Student Pastor, at 298-7087 or for more information.

Contact Information

phone: (559) 297-5550
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Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association | 1363 Fifth Street | Clovis | CA | 93612

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