Thursday, March 08, 2007

News from Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association

Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
News and Notes
March 8, 2007
Prayer Requests
 Please be in prayer for:
The family of Alan McWhorter who passed away earlier this week.  Alan is the son of Month & Bev McWhorter and brother of Randy McWhorter.  If you would like to send a card here are addresses:
    Monty & Bev McWhorter
    2240 E. Brandywine Lane, Fresno, CA  93720
    Randy McWhorter
    c/o CSBC
    678 E. Shaw Avenue, Fresno, CA 93710
Lois Huff, member of Sierra Baptist Church Ahwahnee, who is in the hospital with congestive heart failure.
Wanda Pate, Mark Curts' mother-in-law, as she recovers from abdominal surgery.
Pastor David Mortiz of Valley Springs Church Fresno as he continues to recover and regain strength.
Alan Greaves, son of Richard and Helen Greaves.  Alan has Lou Gehrig's disease.
My Mom as she recovers from second hip surgery.  Rita
Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
MV Executive Board Meeting
The Mid-Valley Executive Board will meet tonight, March 8, 7:00 pm at Copper Springs Church, 1363 Fifth Street, Clovis.  The Executive Board consists of all MV pastors, committee leaders, associations leaders and two designated members from each MV church.
Leadership Development
Pastors & Pastoral Staff:   H.B. London is coming back to Fresno to speak on Sustaining Pastoral Excellence.  Tuesday, March 13, 8:00 am- 2:30 pm, Cornerstone Conference Center, Fresno.  $30 covers a light breakfast, lunch, and conference fee.  See here for details.
Association VBS Workshop  
This event will provide VBS workers a winning game plan afor Mid-Valley Churches in reaching children and families for Jesus Christ through VBS.   THis workshop is a forumf or VBS workers to learn effective strategies, resources, share ideas, and build momentum toward an effective VBS.
  • Workshop Coordinator:  Susie Mendez
  • Location: Crosspoint Church, 2518 N. Cedar Avenue (on Cedar, south of Shields)
  • Date/Time: Saturday, April 28, 9:00 am - Noon
Lunchtime Leadership
Series - Pastors and ministerial staff meet at Cross Point Church from 11:30AM to 1:15PM.  Bring a lunch.  Willow Creek Summit DVD and discussion.
  • Thursday, March 22, 11:30-1:15 pm "Tribal Warfare" by Peg Neuhauser
  • Thursday, April 12, 11:30-1:15 pm " When Business Thinking Fails the Church" by Jim Collins
Seminary Extension Class - 4th Quarter
The Book of Acts -- a study of the book of Acts, Luke's account of how Christianity overcame various obstacles to spread throughout the Roman world during the first Christian century. 
  • Led by Pastor Jeb Bonine
  • March 27-May 22, 2007
  • Cost $105
  • Register with Ritaat the Mid-Valley Association office by email or phone 297-5550.
Men's Fraternity Workshop - This event is for men's leaders and pastors who are looking for an excellent option to spiritually challenge men through a weekly men's gathering.  Men's Fraternity is a proven men's resource that helps churches begin or revitalize their men's ministry.  March 24, 2007 from 9:00AM to Noon at the Ministry Resoure Center, 678 E Shaw in Fresno.  Register Here.
Ministers' Leadership Cruise
April 23-27. Inspiration, education, restoration and recreation on this 4-day Carnival Cruise for ministers, spouses and their families. Click here for detailed information and registration.
Mission Mobilization
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions
In 2005, Mid-Valley churches gave $38,000 to support North American mission efforts.  Gregg Farah, church planting missionary in New York City, speaks of the impact of this offering, "I know of at least 21.5 million reasons to give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions! That's the number of people we are praying will find a church home in our community. Without funding through the Annie Armstrong offering, we would never have started a church in the heart of New York City!"  Find resources to promote the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering here 
Church Mission Leaders - Next meeting will be Thursday April 12, 2007 6:00PM - 8:00PM at the Mid-Valley office.  This Missions Priority Action Team is open to all who share a passion for Great Commision action through local churches.

Minister's Breakfast Next Week....
Each Tuesday morning at Country Waffle, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 - 9:30 am. Pastor Terry Glover, First Baptist Church Coalinga, will be the speaker on March 13.  Topic: Church Discipline.
Pastors Prayer Cluster
Mid-Valley pastors meet every Thursday at 10:00 am, Crosspoint Church. Join us as we pray for our churches and community. For further information, please contact Pastor Johnny Mendez at 227-5366 or 824-4821.

Mid-Valley Children's Camps 2007:

Teen Camp, Our Space.Com -- God's Network, June 17-20, for students who have completed grades 6th-8th.  Cost $135.
Children's Camp, Bible Bee -- The Challenge, June 20-23, for students who have completed grades 3rd-5th.  Cost $100.

At camp in 2007 Larry Bubb, House Band, volleyball and soccer clinics, polar bear swimming challenge, mission projects, bible study, building networks of friends, great food, experiencing God in Creation, meeting Jesus face to face.  For more information contact MV office at 297-5550 or Pastor Lee Yarbrough, Camp Director at 584-7255 or check out  Camp registration forms, medical forms and counselor forms will be mailed to churches this week and available on our web site next week.


Church News
Correction to previous announcement:  Golden Valley Baptist Church in the Madera Ranchos will welcome Pastor David and Marty Swift to the pastoral leadership position with an installation worship service and lunch reception on April 1, 2007 at the church located at 12414 Road 37, Madera.  Please call 645-1700 or 645-5236 if you wish to attend and for additional information.
Valley Springs Church Fresno is moving location of services to Garfield Elementrary School (Peach/Nees).  Launch for Sunday services will be March 25, 10:00am.
Iglesia Bautista del Valle, Pastor Alex de los Santos, held the first service in their new location last Sunday --  25 people attended.
Sierra Baptist Church Ahwahnee, Pastor Bob Dickson, has accepted 3 new members and baptized 3.  Visitors have been attending every Sunday.  They host a Love Feast the 4th Sunday of each month.
Cornelia Avenue Baptist Church Fresno, Pastor Randy Maynard, has a new website.  Log onto and see wht's there.
Office furniture available -- FREE!  Pastor Keith French, Stoney Creek Baptist Church Coarsegold, has 4 office desks, 8 file cabinets and other office supplies available to give to churches or ministries.  If interested contact Keith at 658-8411. 
Church Resource
New Internet-based worshop helps churches stay compliant:  The Internal Revenue Service has launched a new Internet-based version of its popular Exempt Organizations Workshop covering tax compliance issues confronted by small and mid-sized tax exempt organizations, including charities and churches. The target audience for the free online workshop, Stay Exempt -- Tax Basics for 501(c)(3)'s, is organizations that have no tax experts on staff or have no or limited contact with outside advisors on tax compliance issues.  The training program can be accessed at or from a link on the IRS website at
The source of this information came from an article by Caroline Burks, GuideStone Financial Resources, SBC. 
CSBC Events
RefresHer Weekend - April 20-21.  Look here for more information. 
PK (Preacher's Kid) Retreat - March 30-April 1, 2007 in Santa Barbara, CA.  Thestatewide network of PK's are invited to San Marcos Christian Camp in Santa Barbara to worship, fellowship, and learn with each other. All leaders are PK's.  For details for here.  Call the Association office at 297-5550 if you want to carpool.
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