Saturday, April 28, 2007

Update from Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association

Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
News and Notes
April 25, 2007
Leadership Development
It's here!!!  VBS Rally and Tailgate Association VBS Workshop.....this Saturday, April 28.  
Join the Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association and Valley Baptist Church, Bakersfield as we provide you with a winning game plan to reach children for Jesus Christ through 2007 VBS "Game Day Central: Where Heroes Are Made."  Heb. 12:1-2.  All VBS directors and workers who desire to coach, train and condition themselves to prepare and lead a winning VBS are invited to attend.
  • Workshop Coordinator:  Susie Mendez
  • Location: Crosspoint Church, 2518 N. Cedar Avenue (on Cedar, south of Shields)
  • Date/Time: Saturday, April 28, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm  
  • Cost: $5/person (includes continental breakfast and lunch)

For a detailed schedule and flyer of the  Rally and Tailgate see the MV website.

Mission Mobilization
World Changers Clovis
World Changers are coming back to Clovis this summer!  Saturday, June 23rd - Saturday, June 30th.  So far 15 homes in the Clovis area are scheduled for repair, painting, roof work, fence replacement and more.  Mid-Valley churches can participate in this project by "adopting" a work crew for the week.  This is what you do:
  • Host the work crew on Sunday, June 24th.  You will meet them at Fresno Pacific College and lead them to your church for Sunday service.  After service provide lunch, encouragement, prayer and then take them to meet their "homeowner" for the week.
  • Provide lunch for the work crew (approx 15-20 students & adults) at the work site Monday, June 25th-Friday, June 29th.
  • Attend the Celebration event on Friday evening, June 29th to glorify God!

15 churches are needed to "adopt-a-crew" --- will your church be one of them?  Contact Terry Maldonado at 559-297-2600 ext. 19 or by email at .


Feeding Those Who Feed Us: Update from Oscar Sanchez.........We are looking forward to what God will be doing through the Feeding Those Who Feed Us 2007 summer project.  The following cities and centers of MVSBA is where we will focus this summer:

  • June 11-16 Orange Cove, Parlier, Del Rey, Sanger
  • June 25-30 Corcoran
  • July 23-28 Firebaugh, Mendota, Riverdale, Raisen City, Huron, Avenal
  • August 11-18 Madera

We are inviting all the churches in the MV Association to participate with us in the FTWFU 2007 project.  Churches can participate by adopting one of the cities or migrant centers mentioned above and sponsor this project by sending a team or individual volunteers from their church to help with the Vacation Bible School, contribute $1,500 to offset the costs, and begin praying for that specific city or center through the entire project.  Call Frank Sanchez at 559-233-3623 or Oscar Sanchez at 559-930-3768 for more information.


Minister's Breakfast Next Week....
Each Tuesday morning at Country Waffle, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 - 9:30 am.  Tony Redfern of VORP will be speaking on Tuesday, May 1.
Pastors Prayer Cluster
Mid-Valley pastors meet every Thursday at 10:00 am, Crosspoint Church. Join us as we pray for our churches and community. For further information, please contact Pastor Johnny Mendez at 227-5366 or 824-4821.

Mid-Valley Children's Camps 2007:

Teen Camp, Our Space.Com -- God's Network, June 17-20, for students who have completed grades 6th-8th.  Cost $135.
Children's Camp, Bible Bee -- The Challenge, June 20-23, for students who have completed grades 3rd-5th.  Cost $100.

At camp in 2007 Larry Bubb, House Band, volleyball and soccer clinics, polar bear swimming challenge, mission projects, bible study, building networks of friends, great food, experiencing God in Creation, meeting Jesus face to face.  For more information contact MV office at 297-5550 or Pastor Lee Yarbrough, Camp Director at 584-7255 or check out  Camp registration forms, medical forms and counselor forms are available on our web site.


Church News
Life Rock Baptist Church Parlier celebrates 1st Anniversary!  Pastor George Sanchez and the congregation of Life Rock Baptist Church in Parlier invite you to celebrate with them this coming Sunday, April 29th, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm as they host a BBQ Celebration. 
Location: Benavidez Elementary School, 13900 Tuolumne St, Parlier.  Call 305-2673 to RSVP.
Thank you to Chuck Clayton for serving a Intentional Interim pastor of First Southern Baptist Church Chowchilla the past 18 months.
Needed: Does your church have hymn books with responsive readings that are taking up shelf space?  If so Sierra Spring Church in Coarsegold in looking for those hymn books.  If you would like to donate (or sell at  very low price) please call MV office 297-5550 
Prayer Requests
 Please be in prayer for:
Pastor David Mortiz, Valley Springs Church Fresno, recovering from surgery.
Bill Smith, former pastor of FSB Clovis.
Allen Greaves, son of Richard and Helen Greaves.
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VBS Workshop - "Game Day"

55 attended the 2007 Association VBS Workshop at Crosspoint Church as a way to prepare to effectively communicate Christ to children and families this summer. Suzie Mendez (top picture) coordinated the training event.

Just Because I Love You Guys

Here are some church bloopers to refresh your soul:

Fast Talking Preachers

This is Tom. Rich would never be this frivolous. It was great fun for me to watch this fast talker. Some of you are pretty fast talking preachers, but I think this fellow has you beaten. He does list the Book of Mormon, but blink and he will be done.

Monday, April 23, 2007

An Example of Fellowship and Networking : Best Practices

Randy Maynard has set the bar high, and in doing so, has encouraged me by his example to encourage you to do the same.

Every Sunday, Randy, who is pastor of the growing and dynamic Cornelia Avenue Southern Baptist Church calls 6-8 pastors to let them know that he and his church are praying for them. If those pastors are like me they are thinking, "I should have done that."

And we should have.

Rather, we should do something to be an encouragement to one another.

What would it be for me or for you to encourage a dear pastor in the proclamation of the word, in soul winning, and in pastoral care and leadership?

Find something fun and delightful that fits who you are and then go looking for ways to surprise and delight a fellowship servant of Christ. Have fun doing it and be blessed.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

News from Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association

Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
News and Notes
April 12, 2007
Leadership Development
Association VBS Workshop  
This event will provide VBS workers a winning game plan afor Mid-Valley Churches in reaching children and families for Jesus Christ through VBS.   This workshop is a forum for VBS workers to learn effective strategies, resources, share ideas, and build momentum toward an effective VBS.
  • Workshop Coordinator:  Susie Mendez
  • Location: Crosspoint Church, 2518 N. Cedar Avenue (on Cedar, south of Shields)
  • Date/Time: Saturday, April 28, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm -- please RSVP to either MV office 297-5550 or Susie Mendez at 227-5366. 
  • Cost: $5/person (includes continental breakfast and lunch)
Mission Mobilization

Opportunity for Local Missions  -- Medical/Dental Personnel needed to provide professional services for California Southern Baptist Convention Men's Ministries. 

  • In CSBC mobile Medical and Dental units at farm labor camps and at National and International Disaster Relief Medical Clinics
  • Volunteer basis
  • Contact Don Hargis, Baptist Men's Ministry Specialist 559-229-9533 ext. 246 or email at

Minister's Breakfast Next Week....
Each Tuesday morning at Country Waffle, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 - 9:30 am. 
Pastors Prayer Cluster
Mid-Valley pastors meet every Thursday at 10:00 am, Crosspoint Church. Join us as we pray for our churches and community. For further information, please contact Pastor Johnny Mendez at 227-5366 or 824-4821.

Mid-Valley Children's Camps 2007:

Teen Camp, Our Space.Com -- God's Network, June 17-20, for students who have completed grades 6th-8th.  Cost $135.
Children's Camp, Bible Bee -- The Challenge, June 20-23, for students who have completed grades 3rd-5th.  Cost $100.

At camp in 2007 Larry Bubb, House Band, volleyball and soccer clinics, polar bear swimming challenge, mission projects, bible study, building networks of friends, great food, experiencing God in Creation, meeting Jesus face to face.  For more information contact MV office at 297-5550 or Pastor Lee Yarbrough, Camp Director at 584-7255 or check out  Camp registration forms, medical forms and counselor forms are available on our web site.


Church News
Congratulations to Pastor Marvin Davis of Grace Community Church Fresno on his 18th anniversary as pastor.
Baptist Temple Fresno is looking for a house to rent for New Hope Ministries -- a men's discipleship home.   If you own a rental or know someone who does please contact Pastor Tom Sims at 647-2203 or email
Sierra Baptist Church Ahwahnee 
Congratulations to Conrad & June Barber on their 60th anniversary.  Sierra Baptist has received 3 new members since October; 26 people attended the Feb. 11th service -- a record attendance.  Pastor Bob Dickson's installation service will be this coming Sunday, April 15, led by Pastor Philip Aaron.
If you have "church news" you would like to share please send it to me by email at  We like to share church news in this weekly email and we are preparing the next Mid-Valley newsletter -- Thank you.
CSBC Events
2007 Peacemaker Conference at Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, CA, May 4-5.  This year's conference will feature Ken Sande, founder and president of Peacemaker Ministries and author of The Peacemaker, along with Johnny Johnson, former Southern Baptist pastor and DOM, and now senior ministry consultant with Peacemaker Ministries.
Please contact Leslie Lee at CSBC 229-9533 ext. 212 for more information.
Prayer Requests
 Please be in prayer for:
Bill Smith, former pastor of First Baptist Church Clovis.  Bill was taken to St. Agnes Hospital earlier this week to be treated for dehydration and low blood pressure.  Keep him prayer as he recovers from leg amputation.
Allen Greaves, son of Richard and Helen Greaves. Allen has ALS.  Please continue to pray for Allen, his wife, Lorraine, his children, and Helen who helps to care for Allen. 
Thank you so much for your prayers for my Mom.  We are taking her home to Northern California tomorrow!!!!   Rita
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Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association | 1363 Fifth Street | Clovis | CA | 93612

Monday, April 09, 2007

Pray for One Another

Just a reminder to take a few moments today and pray for some of your fellow pastors and sister churches as God places them on your heart and mind. - Tom

Thursday, April 05, 2007

News from Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association

Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
News and Notes
April 5, 2007
NAMB Research reveals 75% of non "born-again" Americans still believe in Jesus' resurrection
 It may surprise many, but 75 % of the Americans who say they are not "born-again" Christians still believe the biblical account of Jesus coming back to life in his physical body, according to recent research by the North American Mission Board's Center for Missional Research (CMR).  See the full story here.
Leadership Development
Association VBS Workshop  
This event will provide VBS workers a winning game plan afor Mid-Valley Churches in reaching children and families for Jesus Christ through VBS.   This workshop is a forum for VBS workers to learn effective strategies, resources, share ideas, and build momentum toward an effective VBS.
  • Workshop Coordinator:  Susie Mendez
  • Location: Crosspoint Church, 2518 N. Cedar Avenue (on Cedar, south of Shields)
  • Date/Time: Saturday, April 28, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm -- please RSVP to either MV office 297-5550 or Susie Mendez at 227-5366. 
  • Cost: $5/person (includes continental breakfast and lunch)
Lunchtime Leadership
Series - Pastors and ministerial staff meet at Cross Point Church from 11:30AM to 1:15PM.  Bring a lunch.  Willow Creek Summit DVD  and discussion:   
 Thursday, April 12, 11:30-1:15 pm " When Business    Thinking Fails the Church" by Jim Collins
Mission Mobilization

Opportunity for Local Missions  -- Medical/Dental Personnel needed to provide professional services for California Southern Baptist Convention Men's Ministries. 

  • In CSBC mobile Medical and Dental units at farm labor camps and at National and International Disaster Relief Medical Clinics
  • Volunteer basis
  • Contact Don Hargis, Baptist Men's Ministry Specialist 559-229-9533 ext. 246 or email at

ESL as a Second Language  --  Learn to teach English as a Second Language as a Mission Outreach.  This workshop is to help train and equip believers to share the love of Christ with people in our communities whose first language is not English.  Share in the joy of teaching and showing Christs's love with international students, migrant workers or visiting family members.

  • Location: Copper Springs Church, 1365 Fifth St, Clovis
  • Dates/Times:  Thursday May 3, 5:30 pm-9:30 pm; Friday May 4, 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm; Saturday May 5, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • Trainer: Monta Jo Erikson, CA SB Literacy Missions Coordinator
  • Cost: $35/person or $45/couple (includes manual, continental breakfast, and lunch on Saturday)

Registration will be accepted until April 11 at the Mid-Valley Association office via email at or phone at 297-5550.

Church Mission Leaders - Next meeting will be Thursday April 12, 2007 6:00PM - 8:00PM at the Mid-Valley office.  This Missions Priority Action Team is open to all who share a passion for Great Commision action through local churches.

Minister's Breakfast Next Week....
Each Tuesday morning at Country Waffle, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 - 9:30 am. 
Pastors Prayer Cluster
Mid-Valley pastors meet every Thursday at 10:00 am, Crosspoint Church. Join us as we pray for our churches and community. For further information, please contact Pastor Johnny Mendez at 227-5366 or 824-4821.

Mid-Valley Children's Camps 2007:

Teen Camp, Our Space.Com -- God's Network, June 17-20, for students who have completed grades 6th-8th.  Cost $135.
Children's Camp, Bible Bee -- The Challenge, June 20-23, for students who have completed grades 3rd-5th.  Cost $100.

At camp in 2007 Larry Bubb, House Band, volleyball and soccer clinics, polar bear swimming challenge, mission projects, bible study, building networks of friends, great food, experiencing God in Creation, meeting Jesus face to face.  For more information contact MV office at 297-5550 or Pastor Lee Yarbrough, Camp Director at 584-7255 or check out  Camp registration forms, medical forms and counselor forms are available on our web site.


Church News
Cambodian Mission Fresno welcomes Pastor Nith York.  Pastor York was ordained March 18, 2007.
Baptist Temple Fresno is looking for a house to rent for New Hope Ministries -- a men's discipleship home.   If you own a rental or know someone who does please contact Pastor Tom Sims at 647-2203 or email
CSBC Events
2007 Peacemaker Conference at Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, CA, May 4-5.  This year's conference will feature Ken Sande, founder and president of Peacemaker Ministries and author of The Peacemaker, along with Johnny Johnson, former Southern Baptist pastor and DOM, and now senior ministry consultant with Peacemaker Ministries.
Please contact Leslie Lee at CSBC 229-9533 ext. 212 for more information.
Prayer Requests
 Please be in prayer for:
Bill Smith, former pastor of First Baptist Church Clovis, as he recovers from leg amputation surgery last Friday.  Bill is in Horizon Health & Rehabilitation Center (Herndon & Chestnut) Room 306 if you would like to visit him.
Allen Greaves, son of Richard and Helen Greaves. Allen has ALS.  Please continue to pray for Allen, his wife, Lorraine, his children, and Helen who helps to care for Allen. 
My Mom is going home on April 13 --- thank you so much for your continued prayers.  Rita
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Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association | 1363 Fifth Street | Clovis | CA | 93612