Monday, April 23, 2007

An Example of Fellowship and Networking : Best Practices

Randy Maynard has set the bar high, and in doing so, has encouraged me by his example to encourage you to do the same.

Every Sunday, Randy, who is pastor of the growing and dynamic Cornelia Avenue Southern Baptist Church calls 6-8 pastors to let them know that he and his church are praying for them. If those pastors are like me they are thinking, "I should have done that."

And we should have.

Rather, we should do something to be an encouragement to one another.

What would it be for me or for you to encourage a dear pastor in the proclamation of the word, in soul winning, and in pastoral care and leadership?

Find something fun and delightful that fits who you are and then go looking for ways to surprise and delight a fellowship servant of Christ. Have fun doing it and be blessed.

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