Wednesday, August 08, 2007

News from Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association

Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
News and Notes
August 8 2007
Mission Mobilization
Ray & Penny Young, IMB missionaires in Portugual, have asked for prayer as they begin four weeks of intensive Portuguese study at the local university.  Pray they will be able to take in all the new sounds and vocabulary.  Also pray for the ongoing ESL classes they lead....17 people are signed up!  Pray for wisdom in designing and scheduling of classes and that these 17 people will come to know Truth and Light.   
IMB Missionary family speaks at FSBC Selma.  See pictures here.

Each Tuesday morning at Country Waffle, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 - 9:30 am.  
Mid-Valley pastors meet every Thursday at 10:00 am, Crosspoint Church. Join us as we pray for our churches and community. For further information, please contact Pastor Johnny Mendez at 227-5366 or 824-4821.

Church News
 Valley Springs Fil-Am Community Church and Pastor David Mortizwill celebrate their first anniversary on August 12.  The theme for this anniversary celebration will be "Investing for Eternity".  Valley Springs meets at Garfield Elementary School in Clovis.
Church of the Valley (Iglesia Bautista Del Valle), a bilingual congregation,  is celebrating eight years this month!  Congratulations to Pastor Alex de los Santos and congregation.  Church of the Valley meets at 1834 N. Van Ness Avenue, Fresno.
Pastor Gary Comer, bi-vocational pastor of First Southern Baptist Church Madera, retired as manager at Merced County Mental Health Office on March 29th after 35 years of service.
First Southern Baptist Church Coalinga has a Konica copier they would like to donate to another church.  The copier works and is free!  Call Pastor Terry Glover at 935-0504.
Prism Music Preview
 Church Musicians:
California Southern Baptist Convention is hosting a Prism Music Choral Preview on Wednesday, August 15, 9:30 am - Noon at the Baptist Building, 678 E. Shaw Avneue.  Fantastic music will be presented and you can order music at bookstore cost. 
Registration is $19.95, which includes a packet of presented music and a FREE CD track of your choice.  You may pay at the door but please call Roger Byrd to register (559-229-9533 ext. 259).
Upcoming meetings, events, classes....
August 24-25 - Volunteer peacemaker/mediator training  for VORP (Victim Offender Reconciliation Program).  Contact Jeff Klein, CCC VORP Church Coordinator at 250-8931.
September 4- Oct. 30 -Seminary Extension class: Introduction to Christian Ethics.  Teacher: Jim Winchester.  Call MVSBA at 297-5550 to register or for more information.
September 13 - Mid-Valley Executive Board Meeting
September 17-20  - Ministers'/Pastors' Retreat, Jenness Park.
October 5-7  - Mother/Daughter Retreat, Jenness Park
October 20 - Mid-Valley Annual Meeting & Mission Celebration, First So. Baptist Church Madera
Promise Keepers
Promise Keepers '07  Flood: Energizing Men of Integrity is coming to the SaveMart Center in Fresno August 24-25.  There simply is no other men's conference like it in don't miss out!
NOTE:   First Baptist Church in Mt. Juliette, TN has  21 extra "early bird" Promise Keepers tickets for $59 each.  They purchased too many tickets and would like to sell them at face value -- $59.  If interested contact Pastor David Fallon at 615-754-2525.  Pastor Fallon said the tickets are good for any 2007 PK event.
Prayer Requests & Praises...
 Pastor Franco Atkinson, FSBC Selma, would like to praise God that Pete Carlin in back in California and his health has improved.  Thank you for your prayers.
Mrs. June Helm of Kerman passed away last Sunday.  Please be in prayer for Rev. Tommy Helm, former MV pastor, and his family.  Cards may be sent to:
2050 Landucci Drive, Firebaugh, CA 93622.  Funeral services will be held at Santa Nella VA Cemetary (near Los Banos) on Friday, 10:30 am.
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