Wednesday, March 24, 2010

GPS Update from Oakview Baptist Church, Auberry

This update comes from Pastor Dale Fink:

As a rural, low home density area of the foothills, and with an older congregation, we chose to gather strategically in one home each of the 3 dominantly populated areas near the church; Prather, Auberry and Tollhouse Sunday afternoon. We had a potluck following the Baptist credo- where 2 or more are gathered they shall eat. Then we prayed for our neighbors by streets and named those we know that are unsaved. This went off well in 2 of the 3 locations where there were 10+ adults each.

For those that are applying themselves, this is a great way to connect, pray and advance the message of Jesus Christ.


In the Lord,

Dale Fink

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are doing a great job of finding creative ways to get the gospel to people in your ministry area. Keep giving away the faith. I'm praying that OBC will have a great harvest!