Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dancing with Apolo Ohno - A Leadership Challenge

Apolo Ohno won the Dancing with the Stars competition in 2007.  As the "Babe Ruth" of short track skating, he is also the best-known short track skater in the United States.  What most Americans know about this sport, they learned from watching Ohno.  He is also on a mission.  Ohno's dominance of the sport grows out of his passion to be the best short track skater in the world.  He is accomplishing his mission:  
  • Won eight Olympic medals leading up through Vancouver 2010.
  • Was one of only four Americans who have won three medals in a single Winter Olympic games.
  • Won more Winter Olympic medals than any other American.  
  • Has been the reigning United States’ champion since 2001.
  • Won the men's national title a total of 12 times.  
  • Was the youngest skater to win a World Cup event title in 1999.
Like most champions, he combines natural physical ability with three critical factors: 
  1. Discipline - "Before I even get on the ice for the morning training, I put in as much effort and I focus as if it's the last two hours before the [Olympic] Games."
  2. Determination - "I knew it was going to hurt, but it didn't matter."
  3. Strength - "We train every muscle in the lower body to work together in synchronicity."  For perspective on strength, imagine squatting down to a 90 degree bend on one leg. Hold it, and then put on a 150lb backpack to account for the additional pressure provided by the 2G acceleration of the turn.  Then balance all of that on a 1mm blade.  Check out the strength in his legs as you view the video!
As you follow after Christ this week, plan to use discipline, determination, and strength.  Relentlessly seek Christ.  Be challenged and encouraged by Apolo Ohno in this video.

Rich Johnstone

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