Thursday, May 12, 2011

News from Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association

Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association Newsletter
May 12, 2011

In This Issue
Prayer Request
Church News
Missions: VBS
MV VBS Clinic 2011
Ministers' Wives Retreat
MV Summer Day Cmap
MV Leadership Center
Evangelism Training
Pastors Fellowship

Ministers' Wives Fellowship
Cancelled for May..
Ministers' Wives meet the second Saturday of each month at Joesph's Java Junction, 4141 N. Fresno Street, 10:30 am.  Our desire is to fellowship, pray, and supportcoffee cup each other as we serve the Lord in our various ministries of Mid-Valley Association. 
Mid-Valley Mission Statement
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association exists to assist partner churches to effectively fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.  We are a cooperative partnership of Southern Baptist Churches in Fresno and surrounding three counties.

Contact Us
Ph: 559-297-5550

Prayer Request 
 Please be in prayer for the health of Harry Williams, father of Pastor Steve Williams.  Harry was hospitalized earlier this week to address unexpected health issues.

Church News 
NewLife Church in Easton held a child dedication service on Mother's Day.  Mark Jackson is the lead pastor at NewLife. 

Missions: New Mission Thrust in Stratford 
Mid-Valley workers and teachers are needed for MIssions VBS Big Apple.  Igleisa Bautista Central in Riverdale is extending the gospel message to neighboring Stratford.  Pastor Alci Rengifo and his wife, Carolina, organized a Mission VBS in Stratford for June 13-17 in the mornings.  Stratford is a community of 1,100 people located on the 41 south of Lemoore.  VBS is part of Pastor Rengifo's effort to impact the whole city for Jesus.  He needs six workers from sister MV churches to help.  Call Carolina at 559-867-3063 if you can assist one or more days. 

Mid-Valley Association VBS Clinic
This Saturday, May 14, 2011...for all Bible Study and Rotation Leaders
 8:00 registration
 8:30 am  -  Noon  sessions
 Annadale Baptist Church, 1411 14th Street, Sanger
 Cost: $5/person

Session details here 
Register here 

Ministers' Wives' Retreat 
 Come be a part of the 2011 Ministers' Wives' Retreat May 20-22,at Jenness Park in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Women come to seek friendships with other ministers' wives, find support through prayer partners, share ideas for ministry and be pampered by the Jenness Park staff. You will leave encouraged and ready for the joys and challenges of ministry. Whether you come with a group or not knowing anyone, be assured that you will be welcomed and encouraged.
The retreat is open to any woman whose husband is in vocational ministry (senior pastor or pastoral staff; full-time, part-time or retired). This year's speaker is Chaundel Holladay, whose husband is on staff at Saddleback Church.
Cost: $180 
Registration                Printable flyer
For further information, contact Kathy Foxen at 229-9533 ext. 259

Mid-Valley Summer Day Camp 
July 6, 6:oo pm  -  July 8, 9:00 pm

Grade level: 3rd grade completed through 8th grade completed

Cost $65/person includes 5 meals and a day at Wild Water Park

Required:  All campers and counselors must complete a registration form and a medical release form.  Counselors must also complete a Camp Counselor form.  Forms and fees due by June 22nd.

Download forms here (all forms in PDF format): 

Questions?  Contact Rita West at the Association office 297-5550 or Pastor Tom Sims at 647-2203.

MV Leadership Center 
Next session coming June 24-25, 2011.  The Mission of the Mid-Valley Leadership Center is to help sister churches train and deploy mission-focused leaders.  Students earn the MVLC Certificate by successfully completing eight seminars.  The format is accessible to bi-vocational ministers, potential church leaders, and growing followers of Christ. The MVLC is biblical, accessible, accelerated, cost-effective, and relational. The seminars will be held at Crosspoint Church, 2518 N. Cedar Avenue, Fresno. Cost is $40/person or $50/couple plus the cost of the book and your lunch.  For details and to register please click on seminar below.

Bible Overview taught by Pastor Randy Brannon of Grace Community Church, Madera

Spiritual Formation taught by Pastor Angulus Wilson of New Beginnings Church, Fresno

Personal Evangelism Training 
Personal Evangelism Training seminar taught by Richard Vera, on Wednesday, May 18, 6:30 pm, at Crosspoint Church, 2518 N. Cedar Avenue, Fresno.  This training is open to all pastors, church leaders, church members, missionaries.  No charge.  For more information call Crosspoint Church at 559-227-5366.

Pastors Fellowship Breakfast 
pancakesTuesday mornings, 8:00 am, Country Waffles, Dakota/Blackstone.  Pastors are invited to join us for breakfast, fellowship and learning.
  • Tuesday, May 24 - Ron Prentice, Executive Director of California Family Council.  Ron was instrumental in the passage of Prop. 8 to protect marriage in CA.

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