Monday, July 25, 2011

News from Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association

Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association Newsletter

 Find us on Facebook                                                    July 14, 2011

In This Issue
Church News
Church to Church Missions
World Changers Update
Special Evangelistic Trailer
Upcoming events
Pastors Fellowship

Ministers' Wives Fellowship 

NOTE: The meeting for August 13 will be held at Sarah McCullough's home, 2673 E. Solar Ave, Fresno 93720, 10:30 am.
 Ministers' Wives meet the second Saturday of each month at Joseph's Java Junction, 4141 N. Fresno Street, 10:30 am.  Our desire is to fellowship, pray, and support

coffee cup
 each other as we serve the Lord in our various ministries of Mid-Valley Association

Mid-Valley Annual
 Golf Tournament

It's time to mark your calendar for the 4th Annual Mid-Valley Golf Tournament, September 17, 2011.  Get your foursome ready for a day or golf, fellowship and good food!
golf logo 
Contact Us
Ph: 559-297-5550

Mid-Valley Mission Statement
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association exists to assist partner churches to effectively fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.  We are a cooperative partnership of Southern Baptist Churches in Fresno and surrounding three counties.

Church News
 Please be in prayer for Pastor Terry Glover of First Southern Baptist Church Coalinga as he had back surgery earlier this week. 

First Southern Baptist Church Selma hosted a great VBS in June....look at picutres here

Clovis Hills Community Church is sending a short-term mission team of seventeen youth and two adults to minister alongside believers in the Philippines.  This project is part of a long-term partnership between Clovis Hills and their partners in the Philippines.  The team will be assisting and leading in a variety of evangelistic events including a crusade/concert for youth.  Pray for Florente Torres and Kimberly MacNeill as they lead the team.

Crosspoint Church will be hosting a Walk Thru the Bible Training, Old Testament, with Pastor Larry Dotson on Saturday, September 24, 9am - 5pm.  The cost will be $35/person (includes registation, material, lunch, snacks).  The second training, Walk Thru the Bible, New Testament, will be Saturday, October 8.

Grace Community Church Madera requests prayer for  the Czech Republic Mission team and the New Mexico Mission Team as they  minister to the lost, encourage believers, and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

A local roofing company has provided all materials needed to replace the roof of St. Matthew's Baptist Church in Fresno.  Praise God for this much needed provision!  This job can be done only after the old roof is removed and a skilled roofer and team are willing to put on the new roof.  If you can help please contact Mike Leydig at 908-8958 or the church office at 266-0245.

Church to Church Missions 
Is your church or small group planning a mission project?  Sister Mid-Valley churches want to help.  Let us know about your mission effort here OR call the MV office at 297-5550 or email information to  The MV Association will then help spread the word to sister churches and small groups.   Working together MV churches can maximize the impact of each church.  Connecting churches for local mission projects is a great opportunity for your youth, high school age, college age, or adult small group to come alongside another MV church with a need for help in a local missions project.  Listed below are request(s) for assistance.  If your church or group can meet one of the needs, please contact that church directly and advise the MV Association office.

First So. Baptist Church Kerman - English Language Outreach to Punjabi People in Kerman area

World Changers  
Students from throughout the US have been in Clovis this week serving 23 low-income Clovis homeowners in the name of Jesus by refurbishing their homes.  The following Mid-Valley churches have been feeding the work crews:  Soma Christian Church, FSBC Sanger, Clovis Hills Community Church,  Lifeway Baptist Church, Sierra Heights Baptist Church, Mt. Olive Baptist Church.  See pictures here.

Special Evangelistic Events Trailer
 The Special Evangelisitc Events Trailer (SEET) assist Mid-Vlley churches in building gospel bridges in their communities, developing relationships with people, andintroducing them to Christ and His church.  SEET is available to al MV churches on a first come first served basis.  If you would like to reserve the block party trailer for an upcoming event at your church click here to view all information and necessary forms.  Listed below are churches who will be using the trailer in the next few weeks:
  • FBC Oakhurst, July 16
  • Trinity Southern Baptist Church, July 23
  • Woodward Park Community, July 30
  • Sierra Heights Baptist Church, September 3
  • Cornelia Avenue So. Baptist, Sept 17
  • St. Matthew Baptist Church, October 15
  • FSBC Reedley, October 26
  • Cornelia Avenue So. Baptist, October 31

Please pray for Terry Maldonado as she moves to East Asia to facilitate a Community Transformation Center. As the International Relations Director, Terry will organize a Community Transformation Center (CTC) that fosters life transformation by way of Medical Clinics, Social Services, Business Developemnt and Humanitarian Aid in India.  You can see Terry's prayer request and post encouragement notes at and join the "Friends of India" group on MyCLovisHills. 

Upcoming Events
Ministers/Staff Compensation Planning, August 22, 7-8:30 pm, Ministry Resource Center, 678 E. Shaw Ave, Fresno.  Support ministers and staff with a solid compensation plan.Information.

Children's Music Series has undergone a lot of changes this year.  Free online training July 30. 

Pastors Fellowship Breakfast 
Each Tuesday morning, 8:00 am, Country Waffles, Dakota/Blackstone.  Pastors are invited to join us for breakfast, fellowship and learning. Guest speakers coming:
  • July 26: KC Dickie, New Covenant Church Men's Prayer Group Leader
  • August 2:  Derek C,

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