Thursday, August 25, 2011

News from Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association

Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association Newsletter
 Find us on Facebook                                     August 25, 2011
In This Issue
Church News
MV Executive Board Meeting
MV Annual Meeting
Pastor Connection Meetings
Leadership Center
Calif. Missions Offering
Student News
Pastors Fellowship
Ministers' Wives Fellowship 

coffee cup

 Our desire  is to fellowship, pray, and suppport each other as we serve the Lord in our various ministries of Mid-Valley Association

Ministers' Wives meet the second Saturday of each month at Joseph's Java Junction, 4141 N. First Street, Fresno.


Mid-Valley 4th Annual
 Golf Tournament

It's time to mark your calendar for the annual Mid-Valley Golf Tournament, September 17, 2011.  Get your foursome ready for a day or golf, fellowship and good food!  Cost is $40/person.  Call Rita at the Mid-Valley  office 297-5550 to reigster.  Those who register before September 1st will receive a monogrammed hand towel.
golf logo 
Contact Us
Ph: 559-297-5550


Mid-Valley Mission Statement
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association exists to assist partner churches to effectively fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.  We are a cooperative partnership of Southern Baptist Churches in Fresno and surrounding three counties.
Church News

Pastor Terry Glover of FSBC Coalinga began preaching at the State Mental Helath Hospital in Coalinga  August 27.  Pastor Terry sent the following note about his first visit:


My First Visit to the State Hospital

By Terry Glover, Pastor of FSBC Coalinga

 Just to let you know that things went well at the State Hospital yesterday.  My prayer for these guys in there is to be encouraged with hope, peace, and an acknowledgement that God has a plan for their lives even where they are in life. These folks will live the rest of their lives in this facility, I can't imagine living there with no hope in Jesus!
They have asked me if I can baptize them.  I said yes, but I will wait for the timing on that from the Lord.  Next week I am scheduled to preach at 3:00PM.  This week I went through some orientation and met with the leaders of the another Christian group there. They are going to pass out flyers and invite men to come to the service.  Two of these men go as a team sharing the gospel and witnessing to as many men as they can.
The atmosphere with this group was peaceful and Holy Spirit centered. I shared with them that we are all sinners and have experienced a guilty conscience before God.  Through the acknowledgement to God of our sin, asking forgiveness, accepting God's forgiveness and forgiving ourselves we can find peace in Christ and hope in God's purpose for our lives. We prayed together and then one of the men broke out in song and we worshipped the Lord together!


CALL TO PRAYER for California Mission Offering

Theme: Why? Because the Great Commission Begins Here!

Lifeway Baptist Church, 4250 W. Bullard Ave, Fresno 93722

Tuesday, August 30, 7-8 pm

This time of prayer will focus on each of the ministries CMO supports.  Join us as we pray together and encourage your church to participate in praying and giving to CMO this year!  This regional event is sponsored by California Southern Baptist Convention WMU/Women's Ministries.

For more information, contact Rhoda at Lifeway, 288-1614 or by email


Jewels Baptist Church in Clovis is now conducting services in both English and Spanish.


Hmong Baptist Church of Fresno is sponsoring a Christian concert called Teamwork.  The evening will feature a number of Hmong musicians and dinner.  The date is Saturday, September 10, 6-11pm.  Cost is $10/person.  See details here.


There are three Mid-Valley churches celebrating milestone anniversaries this year:

East Fresno Baptist, 50 years

Bethel Southern Baptist Madera, 50 years.  They will be celebrating on September 25, with 11:00 am worship service followed by a luncheon.

Lifeway Baptist Church Fresno, 70 years.  Lifeway will celebrate November 5-6 with programs, meals and worship service. 


FBC Firebaugh has launched a Computer Learning Center as a way to connect with students in their community.  They offer Personal computer classes, help with homework and  resumes, and free internet access.


Choir robes are available to an interested church.  Call 291-4842, 251-7568.




Mid-Valley Executive Board Meeting 
Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 7:00 pm
Trinity Southern Baptist Church
4890 E. Holland Avenue, Fresno 93726
(corner of Holland/Winery) 


Mid-Valley Annual Meeting 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Annadale Baptist Church, Sanger

This meeting is a time for all Mid-Valley churches to get together to celebrate what God is doing to advance the Kingdom among sister churches. 

Theme:  "Engage Mid-Valley"

Scripture: Romans1:5 "Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority as apostles to tell Gentiles everywhere what God has done for them, so that they will believe and obey Him, bringing glory to HIs name."

Moises Cabrera

Speaker:  Pastor Moises Cabrera, Iglesia Bautista Central Fresno 



Pastor Connection Meetings

 Rich Johnstone and Ron Climer will be meeting with small groups of Mid-Valley pastors and church leaders.  The pastors and leaders can choose from a number of dates and locations.  Rich and Ron will be sharing about how our Association can more effectively focus on our core mission: assist churches in fulfilling the Great Commission.  They will also dialogue about the challenges and opportunities of our churches in coming days.  Meeting locations/dates:


Crosspoint Church, Fresno, tonight, August 25, 7:00 pm

Valley Chinese Baptist, Clovis, September 12, 6:30 pm



Mid-Valley Leadership Center 

The mission of the Mid-Valley Leadership Center is to help sister churches train and deploy mission-focused leaders.  Students earn the MVLC Certificate by successfully completing eight seminars.  The format is accessible to bi-vocational ministers, potential church leaders, and growing followers of Christ.  MVLC is biblical, accessible, accelerated, cost-effective, and relational. Classes coming in the Fall:

California Missions Offering - September 2011 
The CMO is an annual offering, that CA Southern Baptists receive for special evangelism projects throughout the state.  Because of CMO, Mid-Valley churches now have a fully equipped special evangelism events trailer.  Most recently, CMO funds have also helped purchase Punjabi Bibles for FBC Kerman's efforts to reach out to Punjabi families in that community.
Theme: Why? The great Commission Begins Here
Scripture: Romans 10:13-14 (NLT)
CA Goal: $350,000 
Note:  Lifeway Baptist Church in Fresno will host A Call to Prayer for CMO, Tuesday August 30, 7:00 pm.  See details under "Church News".
Student News 
Tsunami Student Conference:  2,500 California Baptist students will be gathering in Santa Clara for fun, worship, and a focus on discipleship.  The theme for 2011 if "Self Less Self".  Registration is now open.  Hotel information.

See You At The Pole:  Wednesday, September 22. See You At the Pole is the world's largest prayer meeting run by students.  To learn how your church and students can get involved click here


Pastors Fellowship Breakfast 

Each Tuesday morning, 8:00 am, Country Waffles, Dakota/Blackstone.  Pastors are invited to join us for breakfast, fellowship and learning.  Guest speakers:

  • September 6: Bethany Bohrer, Student Campus Ministries
  • September 13: Rich Johnstone, DOM
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Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association | 825 W. Ashlan Ave., Ste 101 | Clovis | CA | 93612

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