THEME: ENGAGE MID-VALLEY - "Through Christ, God has given us the privilegeand authority as apostles to tell Gentiles everywhere what God has done for them, so that they will believe and obey him, bringing glory to his name." (Romans 1:5 NLT)
Each year, all of the churches of the Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association gather for an incredible morning of learning, worship, fellowship, and mission re-focus. The Annual Meeting and Mission Celebration is on Saturday, October 8, 2011 from 8:30 am to lunch at Annadale Baptist Church, 1411 14th St. in Sanger. Pre-registration is helpful.
SCHEDULE: - 8:30 am Check-in and same day registration
- 9:00 am Workshops - see below
- 10:30 am Annual Meeting and Mission Celebration
- 12:00 pm Fellowship Lunch (please pre-register; provided by Annadale Baptist Church)
WORKSHOPS: Godly Women in The Home, led by Gaylyn Mott, wife of Pastor Brian Mott: In order to be truly balanced, having God as life's center and using His Word is vital. This workshop explores how God balances our lives as we put Him in the center. Hands on Missions, led by Ray Young, MV Mission Mobilizer Consultant: How to take personal responsibility for fulfilling the Great Commission through praying, giving, and going. Learn how to connect directly with missions and missionaries.
Meaningful Relationships, led by Ron Climer, Counseling Resource Center Director: Relationships are described as the currency of ministry. This workshop provides practical and biblical ways to establish and maintain meaningful interpersonal relationships. You will discover effective relational tools for your toolbox for communicating, interacting, and relating to others.
Navigating Change, led by Mike McGuffee, CSBC Ministerial Leadership Specialist: This seminar will help you understand the dynamics of change, how it affects relationships and how to lead it with effectiveness. A theology of change will be presented as well as several helpful change models.
Sanctify Yourselves Becasue of the Urgency of Our Time (Santificaos Por La Urgencia De Nuestro Tiempo), led by Pastor James Page, El Encino Baptist Church: The urgency of our time is created by the 56 million deaths around the world yearly. The vast majority die without Christ. We, the church, have been mandated with the Great Commission to make disciples of all the world, saving as many as possible from eternal seperation from God.La urgencia de nuestro tiempo es creada por las 56 milliones de muertes anualmente. La gran mayoria mueren sin Cristo. Nosotros la iglesia hemos sido encomendados con la Gran Comision de hacer discipulos de todo el mundo, salvando tantos como sea posible de una separacion eterna de Dios. Trouble registering? Call the Association office. We look forward to seeing you at the Mid-Valley Annual Meeting and Mission Celebration.
For Christ! Rich Johnstone Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association (209) 297-5550 |
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