Thursday, May 17, 2012

Self-Talk Should be Truth-Talk

China Graveyard Hill

"You can dominate this hill . . . you've run it dozens of times," I told myself.  This kind of self-talk was especially important when I was running up China Graveyard Hill.  By car, or even bicycle, the hill is not that intimidating; a 250ft elevation rise over a half mile.  However, running the hill at 100% capacity as part of a 5K workout, China Graveyard Hill is Mt. Everest.  The hill is just large enough for local runners to give this section of China Graveyard Road a name.  

I ran regularly with a great group of local guys over our lunch hour.  These runs were a perfect combination of friendly and competitive.  Group runs helped me beat my two main competitors, myself and China Graveyard Hill.

The laws of physics and biology are mercilessly constant.  On this hill, gravity is an anchor on every step.  Every breath is a searing fire. 

The laws of psychology are equally constant.  "Ease up.  Back off and the pain will go away."  Sometimes I did.  And it did.  Most times, though, I pressed through the pain and the fire. 

With experience comes understanding of capacity.  When my body screamed, "Stop," wisdom and experience answered back, saying:
  • Keep running.  You know this hill, every curve, every grade.
  • You've run this hill dozens of times.
  • You've conquered this hill and have been conquered by it. 
  • You know your capacity, and you can improve.
  • You can beat your main competitor.
Even now, when I face daunting challenges in ministry, I often think of China Graveyard Hill.  It helps me press through the challenge.  Spirit-led self talk is really truth talk:  
  • Keep serving!  You know Jesus Christ.
  • The "battle" belongs to the Lord.
  • He's given you victory over significant challenges.
  • God is invested in the successful fulfillment of your calling to follow Christ.
  • With God's strength, you can press through for the glory of Jesus.
Let your past wins inform and inspire your future successes.  Self-talk should be truth-talk.  Speak biblical truth, especially to yourself.  The truth of his Word will propel you.  God's truth is even more constant than the laws of physics. 

Rich Johnstone


1perspectivejsp said...

Thanks Rich...

Truly encouraging words. Knowing Spirit-led truth talk requires time with the Spirit to know the difference between His truth and the lies of my flesh. The Spirit usually whispers truth. While my flesh is screaming through every part of body. Making time to hear the whisper trains my spirit to listen to Him and shut out the screams of my flesh.

Thank you for your reminder... I hear a whisper.

Your friend, Steve

Lizette Beard said...

Thanks for a great post. Great encouragement at the end of a long day!