Friday, April 07, 2006

MV Weekly Leadership Update


Good afternoon,

Sandy Duke's mother got tests results back on her biopsy -- the tissue was found to be benign!

Pastor's Blog
Pastor Tom Sims is creating a MV pastor's blog -- look for the link in the next couple of weeks.

Vancouver Focus Project - Cityview Baptist Church, Vancouver: 8-10 people are needed for a Ministry Team to help communicate Christ through servant evangelism projects; scout three communities for possible church planting; lead children's recreation and Bible teaching in the evenings in a multi-housing community. Project dates: July 8-14. To adopt any of these projects contact Terry Maldonado, Assn. Mobilization Coordinator at 297-2600 or call the Association office at 297-5550 or go to the website of Cityview Baptist Church at

Feeding Those Who Feed Us:
The Vision: The vision is to permeate 54 valley communities with the love of Jesus. The strategy is to connect believers from local churches to a valley community to be the voice, hands and feet of Jesus. Ministry actions may include food distribution, children's recreation, assist health/dental screeners.
The Need: Volunteers from MV churches to send individuals or teams one or more days during the following weeks
a) July 24-29 - contact Pastor Lee Yarbrough at 584-7255 or at
b) July 31-Aug 5 - contact Frank Sanchez at 233-3623 or
c) June 19-24 - contact Jim Reyes (contact info to come next week)

World Changers:
Vision: 140 students want to come to Clovis to express Christ's love by re-furbishing 14 homes of those in need.
Need: 14 MV host churches are needed to provide the noon meals for the working teams of 12-14 people each team during the week of July 16-21. Contact Terry Maldonado at 297-2600 or at

Training Events:
April 21-22, 2006 Effective Parenting in a Defective World: hosted by Clovis Hills Community Church and presented by Walk Thru the Bible. In just five hours you can learn to be an effective parent no matter how defective your world. Times: Friday 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am - Noon. Cost $20/person. Contact Patrick Vance at 297-2600 for more info and to register.

May 2, 2006 Children's Camp Counselor Training: All camp counselors are requested to attend this meeting at the MV office, 1363 Fifth St., Clovis. 6:00 pm.

May 6, 2006 VBS Leader Training We believe that every church can impact their community for Christ through an effective VBS strategy. This training is designed to equip VBS leaders to effectively teach and reach children and families through VBS. Location: Sierra Heights Baptist Church. 8:30-9:00 am fellowship and coffee. 9:00 am-Noon training.

May 12-13, 2006 Turning Hearts Tour Uniting Moms, Dads, and teenagers at the same event! Families will discover God's plan for their family through His Word. Compels parents and students to reestablish heart connections between each other and with God; provides 1-2 days of worship, Bible study, and honest dialogue between parents and teens. Cost is $20/person. Hosted by Clovis Hills Community Church. Contact Patrick Vance at 297-2600.

Have a good day,
Rita A. West
Ministry Assistant, MVSBA
1363 Fifth St. Ste 101, Clovis, CA 93612
Ph: 559-297-5550

1 comment:

Rich Johnstone said...

Way to go, Rich and Rita. Great post. Well done! - Tom