Saturday, April 08, 2006

Rob Prevost

This just in from our Director of Missions. Please pray for the family:

Rob Prevost, pastor of FSBC Reedley, passed away this morning. He collapsed at a restaurant last evening after a celebration dinner in honor of his daughter's birthday. He was taken to a Fresno hospital and died early this morning. Please offer up your prayer support for his wife, Gay, and his three children Robbie, Rachel, and Rebecca. Pray also for the congregation as they, too, face this unexpected loss. Ron Climer and I will be connecting with the family and the congregation.

Richard Johnstone, Director of Missions
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
1363 Fifth Street, Ste 101
Clovis, CA 93612

(559) 297-5550
(559) 297-5556 Fax

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