Good afternoon,
Please see the attachment from Pastor Tom Sims re: The India Children's Choir coming to Baptist Temple.
Prayer Requests
Mrs. Bea Prince and family - Valton Prince passed away last week.
Helen Johnstone - Rich Johnstone's mother as she travels to El Salvador with a group for a short term missions trip July 22-30.
Update on Ray & Penny Young
Ray & Penny, former pastor of Crosspoint Church, just recently moved to Bilboa, Spain, the city in which they will be ministering. They ask for your prayers as follows:
-they will learn how to meet people and join God in what He is doing in Bilboa
-that they would understand the language and the teaching in driving school as they study for their driver's license
-that they would continue to meet neighbors and find creative ways to develop relationships with them
-that they would find a language school and language helpers in Bilboa sufficient for their needs
Pastor's Fellowship Breakfast
Tuesday, Aug. 1st - guest speaker will be Ethan Johnstone, son of Rich Johnstone. Ethan and two of his friends are returning this Friday from a bike trip across the US. The purpose of the trip was to raise funds for the Peace Rehabilitation Center in Nepali. The breakfast is held at Country Waffles, Blackstone & Dakota, 8:00 am.
Worship Concert
Stan Leisle, former worship leader of Stoney Creek Baptist Coarsegold, will be performing a concert in Memorial Park Amphitheater in Kingsburg July 29. The concert begins at 7:00 pm. Stan will be performing with a 10 piece band with professional sound and lighting. Come out for a relaxing evening in the park and listen to original Christian music. No entry fee.
Yard Sale/Car Wash
Tulare Street Baptist Center will be having a yard sale on Saturday, August 5, 7 am. Contact Pastor Javier Carrillo at 907-7081 if you have items to donate (clothing, furniture, small appliances, etc). Proceeds will go toward scholarships for the Hispanic men and women's retreat this fall.
Praise Night
El Encino Baptist Church is putting together a praise night for August 25, 6:30 pm. It is going to be an exciting time of worship and fellowship with other MV churches. We hope all will come and participate by praising the Lord. We are looking for a Spanish praise team to lead a few Spanish praise songs. We welcome all praise and worship pastors/leaders to call if you would like to participate. Contact Julie Salcedo at 253-0897 or
Faith Alive coming to Fresno
Dr. Chris Ishechi, founder and director of the Faith Alive HIV/AIDS Clinic fin Jos, Nigeria will be speaking in Fresno Aug. 3 & Aug. 6. Faith Alive is a free faith-based HIV testing/treatment center in Nigeria. They offer testing, treatment, prayer, counseling, and support to the patients. If you would like to hear Dr. Ishechi, please RSVP to Jessica Pittman, Fresno First Baptist Church, 227-8477.
Church bulletins
Lifeway Baptist Church Fresno has bulletins to give away!!!!These are new, 3 fold perforated with picture front and blank inside. For months of July, Aug, Sept. Free to anyone who wants them. Call Rita at the MV office if you can use these bulletin covers.
Seminary Extension Classes for 2006-2007
Dynamics of Teaching: Sept. 12-Nov. 7, 2006. Teacher: Jeffrey Curtis, CSBC African American Church Starting Director
Survey of Missions: Nov. 14, 2006 - Jan 16, 2007. Teacher: Pastor Ted Cole
Baptist History: Jan. 23 - March 20, 2007. Teacher: Wendell Foss
Book of Acts: March 27 - May 22, 2007. Teacher: Pastor Jeb Bonine
Please call Rita at the MV office 297-5550 to register. Class fees are due on the first day of class.
Faith Night at the Ballpark
Wednesday, August 23 is Faith Night at Grizzlies Stadium. This is a fun way for church wide fellowship and outreach to people that don't have a church home. Concert with Audio Adrenaline at 5:30, game at 7:05 pm. Ticket prices $15/$17. To purchase tickets call Grizzlies stadium at 320-8497
Mid-Valley Meetings
Executive Board Meeting - Thursday, September 14, 7:00 pm at Copper Springs Church, Clovis.
Annual Meeting - Saturday October 21, Crosspoint Church, Fresno. Time TBA.
Training /Leadership Events
September 12 - Nov. 7, 2006 1st Qtr class for Seminary Extension -- Dynamics of Teaching: a study of the principles and methods of the teaching ministry of the church. 7-9 pm at Sierra Heights Baptist Church, 6835 Fresno St. Teacher: Jeffrey Curtis, CSBC.
September 21-23, 2006 Disaster Relief Training at First So. Baptist Church, Coalinga. Certification classes in Mass Feeding, Clean-Up and Recovery, Chainsaw Training, Chaplaincy, Communication, and Temporary Emergency Child Care. Don Hargis of CSBC will lead this event. Cost: $50/person -- please register ASAP. Contact Pastor Terry Glover at 935-5675.
October 27-28, 2006 Peacemaker Training Level 1 & 2. Hosted by MVSBA at Copper Springs Church, Clovis. Led by Peter Celum. Pastors and lay leaders will learn about developing a culture of peace within your church. They will be able to equip people to strengthen relationship and resolve conflicts through biblical principles. To register call Rita at the Mid-Valley office 297-5550. Time and cost TBA.
Looking ahead.....
September 18-20 Intentional Interim Pastor Training. Contact Leslie Lee at CSBC 229-9533 ext 212.
September 23 How To Lead a Great Small Group Meeting. Contact Wendi Mooney at Clovis Hills Community Church 297-2600 ext. 14.
September 30 California Baptist Men's Softball Tournament in Tulare. Contact Cathy Glover at 229-9533 ext 255
October 6-8 Mother Daughter Retreat at Jenness Park. Contact Jenness Park at 1-800-258-7554.
December 28-20 Tsunami Student Conference, Long Beach. Contact Connie Thornton at 229-9533 ext. 245.
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