Thursday, September 08, 2011

News from Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association

Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association Newsletter
 Find us on Facebook                               September 8, 2011
In This Issue
Church News
Memorial Service
MV Annual Meeting
Pastor Connection Meetings
Leadership Center
Mission Landscape
Student News
Pastors Fellowship
Ministers' Wives Fellowship 

coffee cup

 Becasue of the funeral services for Don Venosdel our regular meeting for Saturday, Sept. 10th has been cancelled.  Also, our October meeting will be cancelled due to MVSBA Annual Meeting on that date.  Our next meeting will be November 12th. Our desire  is to fellowship, pray, and suppport each other as we serve the Lord in our various ministries of Mid-Valley Association

Ministers' Wives meet the second Saturday of each month at Joseph's Java Junction, 4141 N. First Street, Fresno.


Mid-Valley 4th Annual
 Golf Tournament

It's time to mark your calendar for the annual Mid-Valley Golf Tournament, September 17, 2011.  Get your foursome ready for a day or golf, fellowship and good food!  Cost is $40/person.  Call Rita at the Mid-Valley  office 297-5550 to reigster.
  golf logo 
Contact Us
Ph: 559-297-5550
Office Hours:
Mon-Wed 9am-4:30 pm
Thurs 9am-12:30 pm
Friday - closed  


Mid-Valley Mission Statement
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association exists to assist partner churches to effectively fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.  We are a cooperative partnership of Southern Baptist Churches in Fresno and surrounding three counties.
Church News

Welcome Regeneration Church of Clovis to Mid-Valley Association!  At their meeting earlier this week, The Executive Board approved the recommendation for affiliation from the Leadeship/Membership Committee.  Michael Soung is the pastor of Regeneration Church.


First Baptist Church Firebaugh has opened a small computer learning center to serve the needs of their community. Computer classes and homework help will also be offered in this ministry.  The center has 5 computers but they are in need of a mid to high volume printer and cables and switch/hub to connect the computers to the printer.  Many in their community do not have computers or Internet access.  If you can help with this need please comtact Sandy Duke at or Mike Duke at 559-248-6682.


Paraclete Missionary Baptist Church of Fresno will be celebrating their third anniversary this coming Sunday, September 11.


St. Matthew Baptist Church Fresno will be celebrating their first anniversary on October 16.  A new roof will be put on their building this week with all materials and labor donated by local companies.


Swan Avenue Baptist Church in Sanger is seeking a volunteer worship leader to assist them in developing a worship team.  Contact Pastor Isaac Chavez at 559-294-0399.


Crosspoint Church will be hosting a Walk Thru the Bible Training, Old Testament, with Pastor Larry Dotson on Saturday, September 24, 9am-5pm.  The cost will be $35/person.  The second training, Walk Thru the Bible, New Testament, will be Saturday, October 22.


 Christian Women's and Men's Job Corp will host their annual Salad Luncheon and Silent Auction on Saturday, October 8, 11:30 am-1:30 pm.  The event will be held at 4141 Ministries  (formerly Baptist Temple), 4141 N. Fresno St, Fresno.  CWJC and CMJC exists to educate, empower, equip and encourage women and men to become all that God intended them to be. For more information call 559-412-9230.  


Memorial Services for Don Venosdel 

Don Venosdel went home to be with our Lord Jesus on Sunday, September 4, 2011.  Don served churches in OK and Texas before coming to California in 1952 where he served as pastor, DOM and later on CSBC staff.  He continued to serve churches after he retired in 1992.  Don was mostly recently a member of Woodward Park Baptist Church. 

  • A viewing will be held today, September 8, from 2 - 7 pm at Stephens & Bean Funeral Chapel, 202 N. Teilman, Fresno.
  • The memorial service will be Saturday, September 10, at Woodward Park Baptist Church, 1801 E. Teague Avenue, Fresno, 11:00 am.
Mid-Valley Annual Meeting 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Annadale Baptist Church, Sanger

This meeting is a time for all Mid-Valley churches to get together to celebrate what God is doing to advance the Kingdom a

Moises Cabrera

mong sister churches. 


Speaker:  Pastor Moises Cabrera, Iglesia Bautista Central Fresno 


Theme:  "Engage Mid-Valley"


Scripture: Romans1:5 "Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority as apostles to tell Gentiles everywhere what God has done for them, so that they will believe and obey Him, bringing glory to HIs name."



  • Hands on Missions, led by Ray Young
  • Meaningful Relationships, led by Ron Climer
  • Sanctify Yourselves Because of The Urgency of Our Time (Spanish), led by James Page
  • Godly Women in the Home, led by Gayle Mott
  • Navigating Change, led by Mike McGuffee

    Online registration will be available next week.


    Pastor Connection Meetings

     Rich Johnstone and Ron Climer will be hosting the last Pastor Connection Meeting this coming  Monday, September 12, 6:30 pm, at Valley Chinese Baptist Church, 1434 Bullard Avenue, Clovis.  If you have not been able to attend one of the previous Pastor Connection Meetings please plan to join us on September 12th.  Rich and Ron will be sharing about how our Association can more effectively focus on our core mission: assist churches in fulfilling the Great Commission.  They will also dialogue about the challenges and opportunities of our churches in coming days.   



    Mid-Valley Leadership Center 

    The mission of the Mid-Valley Leadership Center is to help sister churches train and deploy mission-focused leaders.  Students earn the MVLC Certificate by successfully completing eight seminars.  The format is accessible to bi-vocational ministers, potential church leaders, and growing followers of Christ.  MVLC is biblical, accessible, accelerated, cost-effective, and relational. Classes coming in the Fall:


    The Mission Landscape 

    Minorities are the now the majority in 22 of the 100 largest U.S. metropolitan regions.  Of those 22 cities, 10 of them are in California.  Of the 10 California cities, Fresno is second only to Los Angeles in the percentage of minorities.  Fresno has a 66% minority population.



    Student News 
    Tsunami Student Conference:  2,500 California Baptist students will be gathering in Santa Clara for fun, worship, and a focus on discipleship.  The theme for 2011 if "Self Less Self".  Registration is now open.  Hotel information.

    See You At The Pole:  date correction.....Wednesday, September 28.  See You At the Pole is the world's largest prayer meeting run by students.  To learn how your church and students can get involved click here


    Pastors Fellowship Breakfast 

    Each Tuesday morning, 8:00 am, Country Waffles, Dakota/Blackstone.  Pastors are invited to join us for breakfast, fellowship and learning. 

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    Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association | 825 W. Ashlan Ave., Ste 101 | Clovis | CA | 93612

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