Thursday, September 15, 2011

News from Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association

Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association Newsletter
 Find us on Facebook                               September 15, 2011
In This Issue
Church News
MV Annual Meeting
Leadership Center
Church Leaders Network
Pastors Fellowship
Ministers' Wives Fellowship 

coffee cup

 The October meeting will be cancelled due to MVSBA Annual Meeting on that date.  Our next meeting will be November 12th. Our desire  is to fellowship, pray, and suppport each other as we serve the Lord in our various ministries of Mid-Valley Association

Ministers' Wives meet the second Saturday of each month at Joseph's Java Junction, 4141 N. First Street, Fresno.


Contact Us
Ph: 559-297-5550
Office Hours:
Mon-Wed 9am-4:30 pm
Thurs 9am-12:30 pm
Friday - closed  


Mid-Valley Mission Statement
Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association exists to assist partner churches to effectively fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.  We are a cooperative partnership of Southern Baptist Churches in Fresno and surrounding three counties.
Church News

 Jewels Baptist Church in Clovis is seeking a volunteer bilingual  (Spanish/English) worship leader to help develop their worship team.  If you are interested please contact Pastor Joshua Smith at 559-229-9533 ext. 249.


FSBC Kerman is hosting the Kerman Friendship Center, a Christian ministry to their Punjabi neighbors. Recently, Tara Singh passed his citizenship interview test and will take the oath to become a U.S. citizen in October. He is a retired school teacher who would like to Kerman Ctrdo something more for his community than farm labor.  Mr. Singh and his wife are learning English at the Kerman Friendship Center.  Please pray for Don Fisher and the volunteers from FSBC Kerman who are providing citizenship classes and English conversation classes.

John Stafford is the pastor of FSBC Kerman.


First Baptist Church Firebaugh has opened a small computer learning center to serve the needs of their community. Computer classes and homework help will also be offered in this ministry.  The center has 5 computers but they are in need of a mid to high volume printer and cables and switch/hub to connect the computers to the printer.  Many in their community do not have computers or Internet access.  If you can help with this need please comtact Sandy Duke at or Mike Duke at 559-248-6682.


St. Matthew Baptist Church Fresno invites all to attend their 2nd Annual Community-Wide Friends and Family Block Party on Saturday, Oct. 15. Location: 1808 S. Crystal Ave, Fresno.


Swan Avenue Baptist Church in Sanger is seeking a volunteer worship leader to assist them in developing a worship team.  Contact Pastor Isaac Chavez at 559-294-0399.


Crosspoint Church will be hosting a Walk Thru the Bible Training, Old Testament, with Pastor Larry Dotson on Saturday, September 24, 9am-5pm.  The cost will be $35/person.  The second training, Walk Thru the Bible, New Testament, will be Saturday, October 22.



Mid-Valley Annual Meeting 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Annadale Baptist Church, Sanger

We hope you will be joining us in Sanger for an incredible time of Learning, Worship, Inspiration, Fellowship, and Food.  MVSBA is an exciting place where God is active and His people are on mission.  This Mission Celebration is the one time of year that all 67 churches gather. Remember to invite your church leaders and chuMoises Cabrerarch members.  See you there!


Speaker:  Pastor Moises Cabrera, Iglesia Bautista Central Fresno 


Theme:  "Engage Mid-Valley"


Scripture: Romans1:5 "Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority as apostles to tell Gentiles everywhere what God has done for them, so that they will believe and obey Him, bringing glory to His name."



  • Hands on Missions, led by Ray Young
  • Meaningful Relationships, led by Ron Climer
  • Sanctify Yourselves Because of The Urgency of Our Time (Spanish), led by James Page
  • Godly Women in the Home, led by Gayle Mott
  • Navigating Change, led by Mike McGuffee

    Workshop descriptions

    Register here  


    Mid-Valley Leadership Center 

    The mission of the Mid-Valley Leadership Center is to help sister churches train and deploy mission-focused leaders.  Students earn the MVLC Certificate by successfully completing eight seminars.  The format is accessible to bi-vocational ministers, potential church leaders, and growing followers of Christ.  MVLC is biblical, accessible, accelerated, cost-effective, and relational. Classes coming in the Fall:


    Church Leaders Network 

     Pastors and Ministry Leaders:  What's your church's measure of "success"?  Is it a biblical indicator?  Does it need to change?  Mid-Valley pastors and leaders will be exploring this question at the Church Leaders Network.  This is a series of four bi-weekly sessions that will focus on the topic:  Missional Renaissance: Changing the Scorecard for the Church, by Reggie McNeal.  The first session is on October 3 from 9AM to 11AM at the Ministry Resource Center.  Pastors David Carothers and Steve Davidson will be facilitating these sessions.  Come learn from the Word, from Reggie McNeal, and from one another!



    The 3 C's of Missions - read the latest post from Rich Johnstone, Director of missions.


    There are eight valley cities with no ongoing Southern Baptist witness.  The need among the Hispanic communities is even greater.  Fifteen valley cities have significant Hispanic population, yet have no ongoing Southern Baptist witness.  Also, many of the unreached communities are not geographic, but represent an ethnic or language group living in many neighborhoods.  (Read the full blog post here).



    More churches are performing background checks on volunteers as a part of their child protection policies.  Lifeway Christian Resources is now providing an easy way for churches to accomplish these checks.  Go here to learn more.


    Pastors Fellowship Breakfast 

    Each Tuesday morning, 8:00 am, Country Waffles, Dakota/Blackstone.  Pastors are invited to join us for breakfast, fellowship and learning. 

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    Mid-Valley Southern Baptist Association | 825 W. Ashlan Ave., Ste 101 | Clovis | CA | 93612

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