Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lori Climer UPDATE from Debbie Campbell

Just received a call from Carol - They started Lori's surgery at 10am Boston time, 7am our time. it has taken 2 1/2 hrs or so just to finish the work in the mouth with the bars, arch and all mouth prepping. They are now starting the main repairs for the face and jaws. There has been much difficulty in opening her mouth. The doctor will call Carol every 45 minutes to 1 hour with step by step updates as to what they are doing now so we know how to pray.

Please pray for divine guidance for the surgeons and nurses so this can be Lori's last surgery. Pray for Lori's recovery and minimal pain after surgery and for a speedy recovery. Pray for her parents, Ron and Carol Climer, as there are real medical issues here as well.

I will keep you updated during the surgery and just after until Carol gets the web site set up and then a link will be emailed to each of you to read the updates daily.

If you have any questions feel free to email me anytime. Thank you for being a faithful prayer warrior and supporting those who are in need. Your support is greatly needed and appreciated.

Be Blessed,
Debbie Campbell

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