Sunday, March 16, 2008

Report From Carol Climer regarding Daughter Lori

NOTE: Ron and Carol Climer serve our Association as Director of Ministries. They and their daughter, Lori, are in Boston facing Lori's seventh surgery to repair damage to her face resulting from an accident as a teenager.
(From Carol)
To those who love and care for Lori:

She has had numerous xrays - all kinds of tests - and enough blood taken to give life to someone else (haha).

Lori arrived Wednesday night and went to the hotel - and entered a nightmare. The hotel was on a list from the hospital so we thought it would be safe, and since it was a few miles from the hosptial we could save a little money - WRONG!!!!! It was out in the industrial part of town with absolutely no access to anything. It was difficult to find a hotel for the 17 nights we needed to be here - remember Mon is St. Patrick's Day and Boston is the hub for celebrating!

After being on the phone for over 3 hours God opened the door for us to stay 1/4 of a mile from the hospital at a new hotel (at twice the price) - remember it is necessary that we are in walking distance to some place to get juices, jellos, water etc for Lori when she is moved back to the hotel - we must have a small refrigerator for medicine - and must be able to get food for Ron and me - and access to the hospital. We are in walking distance or a short cab ride (also costly $26 from Logan airport (3 miles) to the hosptial. The people running this hotel have been exttremely kind and accomodating (another answer to prayer).

Thursday & Friday numerous tests and a meeting with the surgeon - he reminded her that after 22 years of working on her they needed to get a good resolution before he retires.
Saturday more blood work and urine tests. Unfortunatley they found some problems so more tests today (Sunday).

Schedule for Monday: We will meet with the surgeon and go over all the tests and will get the time for surgery.

First impression from the surgeon after he saw the preliminary tests:

1) Maybe he can go in and shave the bones and clean up the rib graft and try and replace the screws and strengthen the structure.

2) If #1 can't be done because of too much deterioration he will have to do another rib graft. He wants her to be prepared for this because it is so very painful.
3) If when he gets in her face (just cannot be seen with xrays) the deterioration and structure is beyond repair he will do a little clean up and (are you sitting down?) then we will have to come back in three months for a complete jaw replacement on both sides (like a hip replacement). The preparation for this kind of surgery takes three months to build the molds of the face and jaw etc.

So what to pray for:

1) A safe and restful flight for Ronnie tomorrow.
2) Good results from the extra urine and blood tests that were taken Saturday and Sunday.
3) That the surgeon can successfully do #1.
4) That Lori can get some rest and relief of pain - this evening has been extremely difficult for her.

Hopefully a webpage will be set up for her though the hospital tomorrow. If so I will email the instructions so you can check on her and send her a greeting. Several of you have asked where to send cards - since we are not sure how long she will be in the hospital you can send them to the hotel: Lori Climer, c/o Bulfinch Hotel, 107 Merrimac Street, Boston, MA 02114.

Thank you so much for your willingess to keep Lori and our family in prayer - God knows how much we all need the strength and wisdom to make decisions and especially for Ronnie and me as we take care of Lori. Please pray for Lori to have the strength to endure the 7th surgery with each being more trying than the one before. I know of no one who has been more courageous than she - it is beyond me how she can face another surgery knowing the results are uncertain and most of the pain will remain.

Covered by His grace,

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