Friday, March 28, 2008

Update on Lori Climer - 3/28

Friends & Family,

We are HOME!!!!! Without your prayers Lori could not have made the trip. The flight from Boston to Fresno was 6 1/2 hours - she could not be still and suffered severe pain - she said she had a heartbeat throbbing in her face - her forehead - and the back of her neck - but with God's grace and your prayers she was able to endure the flight - even the noisy one hour flight from San Francisco.

How to Pray

1) Please continue to pray for the relief of pain.
2) Please pray for the irritation and blisters from the arch bars in her mouth.

Praise for Today

1) We praise God for his traveling mercies - we didn't take it for granted for one minute how blessed were to have a safe flight.
2) We praise God for the generosity from Jackie and Woody providing upgrade 1st class seats for us today - we can't imagine what the trip would have been for Lori without this gift.
3) We praise God for each of you and your faithfulness for praying for us.
4) We praise God for Jamie, Chau, Jayden, Cheryl, Wayne and Paula for meeting us at the airport to offer their love and support to Lori.
5) We praise God for Lori's healing and progress enough to make the trip home.

Words cannot express our love and gratefulness to our Lord for His love for Lori and the miraculous hands He has given her surgeon. We don't understand why this accident happened to her or for how long surgeries may take place - but we do understand God is sufficient for all that we have needed - He has provided - and we know He will continue to do so. Thank you all for being a part of this miracle trip and thank you for leaving your hand prints in our hearts.

We are covered by His Grace & Mercy,
Ron, Carol & Lori

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