Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Update on Lori Climer 3/25

Friends and Family:

Today has been a difficult day for Lori. She woke up with a sore throat and sore ear and severe pain this morning so we had to go back to the hospital to see the doctors this afternoon as soon as they got out of surgery. When they saw her they asked what her pain level was - she said an "8+" on the jaws and a "10" on the head pain. After examining her they concluded the hot spot on the right side was the exact location of most of the surgery repair. The stitches in front of her ear and up into her head is approximately 7 inches but the most severe pain is in front of her ear into her face. She just finished two strong antibiotics so they don't want to start another one unless she spikes a temperature. The doctors were very pleased with the opening in her mouth but believed she was perhaps exercising too much. They gave her more medication and we will see them again on Thursday.

How to Pray

1) That there is no infection and there will be no fever.
2) Lori has the arch bars embedded in her gums both lower and upper with hooks on them which is painful and cuts the inside of her lips - we keep wax on the bars but please pray for the lips to heal quickly - this is very uncomfortable for her.
3) For pain control to be achieved soon.
4) She is pretty tired today - I think mostly from fighting the pain now for a week and not being able to get any uninterrupted sleep. Please pray for strength for her.

Our Trip Home

As we anticipate the trip home on Friday please be in prayer for this challenge for Lori. Our flight leaves at 6:00 a.m. Friday morning (which means we will leave the hotel at 4:00 a.m.). Being in the airplane will play havoc in Lori's head with swelling and pain. The doctors will talk to her Thursday about what they want her to do while in flight.

Thank you again for your diligence in praying for her and sending her encouraging emails. When I read them to her she smiles. I stand amazed at how much pain and discomfort she can endure and tolerate while being so kind to her caregiver (Momma) and her doctors. She continues to try and do so much for herself (never asking to be waited on). She could give classes on how to be a great patient.

We remain covered by His grace,

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